December 2015 Archives

FFXIV: Twintania Mount!
Posted on December 28
Menashi joined our FC, Knights of Memory, in FFXIV last night – welcome! We exchanged friend referral codes and that unexpectedly got me enough feathers (I’ve referred others before) for the Twintania mount! Woo!

FF:RK Full FFIV Party at Last!
Posted on December 28
So today I realized what exactly the whole Vale of Memories challenge event was about in Final Fantasy: Record Keeper. Not only does it allow you to unlock your choice of character, but also, if you can complete the level 50 challenges, you can get earn Soul Crystals for characters of your choice!

A Very Wii U Christmas
Posted on December 27
I know I mentioned that I didn’t think I’d be writing much while on holiday vacation, but I have a little down time tonight, so I decided to post. I just got back from my sister’s house and am currently staying at Syn’s abode, waiting for her to fly in tomorrow so we can start our traditional post-Christmas festivities.

Merry Christmas
Posted on December 25
I’m currently with family for the holidays, but I wanted to take a moment to send holiday wishes to all my blogging friends. Wishing you and yours the best!

Casting Crowns – I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day
Posted on December 22
Gonna road trip for my Christmas holiday tomorrow. Before I go, must share my favorite holiday song yet again.

2015: My Year in Gaming Review
Posted on December 21
This may very well be my last blog post this year. I’m going to be road tripping down south to spend Christmas and New Years with family and friends, and I don’t foresee myself finding time to put down any major writing.

FFXIV: Now I’m Broke Again
Posted on December 19
Finally bought my Catbat. Worth it.

FFXIV: The Relic Strikes Back
Posted on December 18
So, patch 3.15 dropped this week and we got to see what it takes to work on the new Relic weapons. Needless to say, there’s plenty of folks that had their jimmies rustled by this. Being a casual player, I’m not one of them.

FFXIV: Happy Starlight Festival!
Posted on December 18
New decorations in the FC house!

7D2D vs ARK: Survival of the Fittest
Posted on December 15
After writing up an article yesterday on the 7D2D A13 release, Dahakha asked a fascinating question, which I’ve pondered over all of last night.

FFXIV: Level 60 Paladin!
Posted on December 15
I finally reached level 60 Paladin on Tai tonight.

7 Days to Die – Still My Choice for Zombie Survival
Posted on December 14
I have no idea why I don’t write more about 7D2D. The game is fantastic, and it just keeps getting better with every update. It is the one game in my Steam list that I have clocked the most time in by a huge margin (425 hours). It’s still the favorite zombie survival of my zombie hunting team.

Shards Online Pre-Alpha 3
Posted on December 11
Almost a year ago exactly (Dec 12, 2014), Shards Online completed a successful Kickstarter campaign. I was one of the early bird backers, drawn in by the oldskool look and feel as well as the promised concept of Shards themselves.

My Holiday Game Listmas
Posted on December 10
I’ll be getting ready for my Christmas vacation pretty soon, which means blogging will slow down even more than it has already been this month. But I did want to get at least one Listmas post out there.

FFXIV: RNG Frustrations
Posted on December 9
I’ve been taking a pretty casual approach to FFXIV lately, which has felt right for me at this time. I’ve done very few roulettes since 3.1 dropped seeing I got my fill of Fractalreap for daily Esos, and really just don’t have the desire to run the new Expert Roulette the way I ran the previous one.

Sims 4: Getting Ready for Get Together Expansion
Posted on December 5
Yesterday, the Sims 4 released one of the largest patches I’ve seen yet in preparation for their new expansion Get Together, which is coming out Tuesday. I really like what I’ve seen from it, and have already pre-purchased it. Looking forward to simming again!

A Farewell to Second Life
Posted on December 1
Over five years ago, in autumn of 2010, I discovered the amazing new world of breedable pets in Second Life. Now, I’ve had several Second Life accounts since July of 2004, including my main account Aywren Sojourner. While I’d been using “Aywren” as a screen name before that, I ended up adopting the “Sojourner” SL last name for other things, including blogging here.