FFXIV: RNG Frustrations
I’ve been taking a pretty casual approach to FFXIV lately, which has felt right for me at this time. I’ve done very few roulettes since 3.1 dropped seeing I got my fill of Fractalreap for daily Esos, and really just don’t have the desire to run the new Expert Roulette the way I ran the previous one.
This does put me behind in ilvl, a situation that I’m trying to somewhat fix with Zuri by gathering Void Ark drops for the left side gear. So I find myself mostly running Void Ark on Zuri in hope of a drop (or to help FC folks with theirs), then doing daily Vanu quests and hunts on Tai to continue leveling his Paladin. That’s been the extent of my FFXIV gaming lately.
Vanu Quests
I’m very grateful for the Vanu quests. They’re just the light type of daily content I need. Something I can hop in, get done and still earn decent experience for a job trying to reach 60.
Tai is currently over halfway through level 58 Paladin now, having leveled from 53 almost exclusively on Vanu quests and hunts. I’m really enjoying the Vanu storyline and watching the little settlement build up over time. And, of course, I enjoy the new Sundrop Dance.

Void Ark Frustrations
As I said above, I’ve been trying to gear up Zuri only by using Void Ark drops since I have no motivation to do the Eso grind on a second character. As of last week, I had only 2 of 5 pieces for Bard, so you’d think that I’d have some luck in getting my weekly drop.

I ran Void Ark five times last week and only saw one Bard drop – the hat, which I already had. All sorts of black mage, dragoon and monk gear, though. I gave up after that, discouraged.
So, last night, when Syn and I went in for the first run of this week and I saw two other Bards in the party, I was ready to just fold my hand. Amazingly, on the second boss, two pairs of Bard boots dropped. One of the Bards told us he didn’t need them, so we both rolled and won one.
Ironically, the Bard coat dropped on the next boss. Yep.
Oh well. At least I got one drop this week.
I also picked up the Gold Dance for Zuri, which is consolation for not having earned her the Sundrop Dance yet. I’ve just been too lazy to run double Vanu quests everyday, even as much as I enjoy them.

I am still slowly making progress with Zuri’s crafting as well. She dinged level 56 Goldsmith last weekend and finished up one of the craft quests I’ve been putting off. That scored her a better crafting chest piece finally, but she’s already out-grown that on Goldsmith considering the next quest gives yet another upgrade.
I spend the week gathering all the materials Zuri will need for crafting leves – this week, it’s dragon fangs. Once the mats are gathered, I sit down on the weekend and spam crafting leves to push her to the next leve tier. This allows me to gather what I need from hunting ventures so there’s very little cost to me. It also allows me to regen my leve allowance so that I never get too low.
It’s slower than spamming it all at once, I’m sure. But progress is progress, and I’m interested in eventually specializing in a few classes that will help Zuri gear up some alt jobs.
I haven’t messed with scrips yet, but that’s something I need to research.