March 2015 Archives

April Camp NaNoWriMo 2015 & Writer’s Nerves
Posted on March 31
Tomorrow is the first of April (beware April Fool’s Day), and also the first day of April’s Camp NaNoWriMo for 2015.

FFXIV: Practice Dungeons and Face-Melting FATES
Posted on March 30
I actually took a little break from FFXIV Sunday afternoon to play and troubleshoot Sims 4, but I still accomplished a whole lot over this weekend. Syn and I finally completed all story content for Patch 2.4 and have made a good bit of progress into patch 2.51. There’s no way we’re going to finish it before tomorrow’s patch drops, but it’s nice to be on relevant content for the first time ever!

FFXIV: Scholarly Pursuits & Sims 4: Basement Dwelling
Posted on March 27
Even though I’ve been playing FFXIV rather casually this week, I’ve manage to make a lot of needed progress.

Wayrift: Looking Back on 13 Years of Webcomic Creation
Posted on March 26
I’m a webcomic artist who works on a comic called Wayrift. Wayrift is turning 13 years old today. It’s actually been around longer than that, but for simplicity’s sake, I just call it 13 years.

Wayrift Speed Stream 3-25-15
Posted on March 25
Wayrift paints for next week!

FFXIV: Shiva Down, Approaching Patch 2.5
Posted on March 23
For the first time since we started playing FFXIV, Syn and I are almost at the point where we’re on the same patch as everyone else! Well, that is until next week when the next new patch is released.

Wayrift Speed Stream 3-22-15
Posted on March 22
Inking Wayrift pages for next week!

Final Fantasy XI Going Mobile – Are You Ready for MMMORPGs?
Posted on March 19
Soon after FFXI first launched in the US, my sister and I were there in the world of Vana’deil. I had grand dreams for my Red Mage, but most of those dreams would never come to pass. While the game was great for people who had lots of time, friends and a solid linkshell, it did not do much to include folks like me.

Wayrift Speed Stream 3-19-15
Posted on March 19
Painting Wayrift pages for next week.

Geek Health: Bento Lunches and PlanetBox Review
Posted on March 18
I believe this is the first time I’ve written something health/fitness wise on this blog ever. I am by no means an expert on the topic – in fact, my current state of health and fitness is in great need.

Wayrift Speed Stream 3-18-15
Posted on March 18
Painting Wayrift pages for next week.

FFXIV: Achieving Goals
Posted on March 16
After feeling frazzled by my goal-setting schedule the past few weeks, I’ve finally reached the light at the end of the leveling tunnel. Over the weekend, I earned level 50 Paladin for Tai and finished up all the class quests for him.

Wayrift Speed Stream 3-15-15
Posted on March 15
Inking Wayrift pages for next week – starting the next chapter!

FFXIV: Misadventures in Tanking
Posted on March 13
Before I start talking about my tanking experience, I’m pleased to note that our Free Company,

GW2: Changing WvW Requirement in World Completion
Posted on March 12
So the newest GW2 patch notes for the Chinese client, which were copied and posted on Reddit, talked about the camera changes, new faces and some class changes. Tucked in the middle of it all sat one of the biggest announcements (IMHO): WvW removed from map completion.

Wayrift Speed Stream 3-11-15
Posted on March 11
Speed paint of the chibi omake Wayrift pages for next week!

MMO Gaming Contentment: Learning to Be Still
Posted on March 11
Last night, in FFXIV, I logged in to find my newest veteran rewards waiting for me. This was my 540 day, Rank 8 reward including the fun Wind-Up Gilgamesh and the Hildibrand portrait (which promptly went up in my house’s front room).

FFXIV: Identity Crisis & Progress
Posted on March 10
With only 100 days left until Heavensward’s Early Access, I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’m feeling a push to get things done. With the announcement of Heavensward’s upcoming FC crafting and airship project, I’ve also tried to double down on leveling my crafting the best I can.

FFXIV Heavensward Expansion Release Date & Collector’s Edition Info
Posted on March 9
This weekend, at PAX East 2015, the FFXIV team finally released the details about the upcoming Heavensward expansion that we’ve been waiting for. The release date!

Wayrift Speed Stream 3-8-15
Posted on March 8
Inking Wayrift pages for next week. All chibi omake version!

Aywren’s Liebster Award
Posted on March 6
I woke up today to discover I’ve been nominated by The Mystical Mesmer for the Liebster Award. This is the first time I’ve heard of it, and I’m honored to know that another talented fellow blogger is interested in knowing a little about me.

Wayrift Speed Stream 3-5-15
Posted on March 6
A first test stream, speed art of Wayrift pages. Streaming – A Webcomic Artist’s Review
Posted on March 6
Streaming’s become the big thing now days. Twitch is well known for its popular gamer streams, and digital artists have been using streams such as LiveStream for years to entertain curious watchers.

The Secret World – Did You Know: Kingsmouth Website
Posted on March 3
Chatting in comments on Isey’s new post about The Secret World reminded me of one of the things I love most about the game. The lengths the devs went to, both in game and outside game, to take advantage of the modern day elements.

FFXIV Progress: Triple Triad, Syrcus, Scholar, and Epic Hats
Posted on March 2
You know my biggest problem with FFXIV? That I have way too much to do! And that’s just on my main character (I now have two alts).

FFXIV: Amon's Hat Dropped!
Posted on March 1
Amon’s hat dropped tonight! Woo!