FINAL FANTASY XIV Patch 3.2 – The Gears of Change Trailer (Hyped)
So the trailer just dropped today, and there’s a whole lot of hype building around the 3.2, coming in a few weeks. I have to say just the opening music (Atma Weapon theme!) for the Primal Sephirot was a great way to get me in a nostalgic mood.
There were a lot of neat things in the trailer that made me quite happy, but I have to say I’m looking forward to the Anti-Tower (I have NEVER said I was looking forward to a dungeon before). I almost jumped for excitement when I saw the final boss was a FFIV tribute to Calcabrina!

The creepy factor is totally there.

Also, the devs must have heard our cries because… Hildibrand!! <3 There were murmurs of him returning, and I’m so glad it really is happening! 🙂