Wellness: Starting Wii Fit U
Back when the original Wii Fit was all the rage, it convinced me to purchase the Wii. It was tough to get your hands on one, so I ended up picking one up second hand. It worked just fine, I bought a brand new Wii Fit with the board and everything, and really did enjoy it, despite all of the original game’s quirks. What I loved most was the Yoga poses, and I tried to get about 15 mins of Yoga in as much as I could day to day.
Eventually, my usage dwindled off, of course. And then the Wii Fit Plus came out, fixing a lot of the issues players had with the original game (like no workout routines). It also used the same balance board and imported all my data from the original Wii Fit game, so that made me happy.
Wellness Goals
I will be the first to say that I haven’t been keeping up with my wellness goals as much as I’d like to. I have been doing my best to prevent myself from wandering out to fast food lunches lately, trying to drink more water, and tried to implement a little more greenery in my diet. But I haven’t been active like I should be. Somehow, I’ve still lost two pounds since January. I’ll take it.
The past few weeks, I’ve been dealing with consistent aches and pains through my hips and lower back. Kinda like when you sleep on something the wrong way… except this is all the time. Because I haven’t been super active, I considered what I could do to increase flexibility and work out the aches and pains in my muscles. Something that was gentle.
Then I thought about the yoga I used to do on the Wii Fit, and decided to check out the newest version of Wii Fit, for the Wii U. I discovered the game still used the original balance board, and mine is in great working order still, so I purchased the game by itself without the board or meter. Right now, though, the cost for Wii Fit U on Amazon is a really good deal considering I payed around $70 – $80 for the original years ago.
Wii Fit U
So my game came in yesterday, and I sat down with it for the first time this morning. I was happy that it still recognized my Wii Fit Plus data, which was moved over from my old Wii when I upgraded to the Wii U. So all my old records, some from over 5 years ago, are still there on the new game. Yay!
I also liked how they implemented the Mii Verse through something called Gyms. You can join a gym (I joined Beginners) and see other people’s Miis and their goals, and give them props for reaching their accomplishments.
The only thing I played with was the routines, where I quickly set myself up a short yoga routine. Everything worked pretty much like I remembered, and it felt pretty good to do some of my old favorite yoga poses. While there was nothing intense about it, for someone like me, holding yoga poses helps to stretch problem areas, work on balance and strengthen endurance in some muscles. I felt a little better afterwards, and will certainly keep trying to work it into my day from here on out.
Sure, it’s not a hardcore workout, but it’s the start of forming a gentle habit that could lead to more rigorous activity in the future. Given the aches I’m having, I think this is a good, gradual way to work activity into my schedule.