FFXIV 3.2 Preliminary Patch Notes Highlights
So we got the release of the preliminary patch notes for FFXIV patch 3.2 today! I wanted to take a moment to highlight what excites me most! This is long because patch notes are long.

More Hildibrand is always fantastic, but the Vivi whatever it is (minion? doll?) is just all the more cool. I actually own a Vivi plushie IRL, and this reminds me so much of it!

Looking forward to the new beast tribe quests!

Both of these are good! It’ll be nice to do more than just 3 Vanu quests a day – should help speed up relic a bit. Also, it’s nice to get Tomes from beast tribe quests again.
It also looks like Grade IV Materia are given out for some of the Beast Tribe dailies. Don’t know if you can choose your Materia, or if it’s random, but that’s very useful.

Really want this! I like that we can get them for our Inn rooms, too!

Whaaat? More Minions now!

This is fantastic! All the gear you can roll on, and any materia of choice! Very, very nice!

As DPS dealing with DF queues, any extra information is always very welcome.

BEST CHANGE EVER!!!!! I’m SO looking forward to this change!

Yay! More ways to get ventures! Thank you! 🙂

Still working on the requirements for this, but hope to be a mentor one day!

Another way to get ventures? I’m down with that.

Interesting. Making it easier to unlock Crystal Tower.


Oh, nice! Watching this city being built is going to be fun!

This is a good start in making CT relevant again, but more still needs to be done.

More experience is always a good thing.

This is a great idea. I hope people actually try to use it. ‘

Oh, this is nice! It was such a pain to no just fail the meld, but then have to dig around and try to try it all over again.

Thank you!

Nice, thank you!

Figured that was going to happen.

This is a good thing!

Not sure what this means. Is it easier to get credits? Harder?

Trying to wrap my head around what exactly this does.

Hm… what does this mean? That the Souls will have stats on them now? Is that good?

That’s it? Really? I guess it’s time to hang up my bow, especially seeing a number of other DPS, including Machinist, just got buffs. Sucks for bards, probably last in place for DPS now.

I’m not a fan of the Research Facility, the Arboretum, or Pharos Sirius Hard. I’m glad they finally put the Research Facility in a roulette because people need it for story completion. And I know people wanted more variety in the dungeon roulette. But lumping three dungeons I don’t like with two I do means I’ll be running this Roulette a lot less. It also means people need to get a higher ilvl before they can even start running the Level 60 Roulette considering the ilvl requirements for the Arboretum and PS Hard are much higher than Fractalreap.