FFXIV: April Goals
This month, I’m going to slack a bit in FFXIV. Hope you don’t mind.
First, I’m writing for Camp NaNoWriMo, so I may have my mind on more creative pursuits. And that’s a good thing, because I’ve been lacking in creative inspiration for a while. I’d also like to put more time into other games this month, including some single player games. I still want to finish LOZ: Link Between Worlds, and work on Fire Emblem Fates. That’s not to mention FF: Explorers. So I have a lot of 3DS games that are calling for a bit of attention.
Here’s some things I’d like to do in FFXIV:
End Game Stuff
- Finish Patch 3.2 story on Zuri✓
- Level Monk to ???? ✓
- Not going to put a specific number on this. I know leveling Monk past 50 is going to happen, because it already is with Crystal Tower runs. This isn’t going to be a huge focus, however.
- Level Alchemist to 60 (Currently 54)
- Level Culinarian to 60 ✓
- Level Blacksmith to 53 (So I can finally consolidate crafting armor)
- Unlock Master II book for:
- Alchemist (once at 60)
- Earn Master III books for (not priority):
- Alchemist
- Culinarian
Leveling Stuff
- Level all remaining jobs to 25 (not priority)
- Paladin
- Warrior
- Ninja
- Level Machinist to 50
- Level Scholar to 50 ✓
- Clean up old quests