BDO: Cherry Tree in my House!
So while I’ve been training my horses in BDO, I’ve also been foraging for cherry tree seeds that you can farm and earn rewards during the current Cherry Blossom Event. Yet another little event that gives not just a housing item, but a cosmetic item! Nice, BDO!
Dang, these seeds are hard to find, though. And they take a LONG time to cultivate. The bummer is that plants don’t grow unless you’re logged in to the game, but the upside is, I’m in game anyhow racing horses up and down the roads. So, all is well.

I finally harvested my first tree yesterday and snagged the cherry blossom pot for my house. It’s a nice little splash of color considering I haven’t put a lot into decorating my new place yet. Bad me!
I adore cherry trees IRL, so I’m happy to have one for my in game house. I also love how BDO’s little festivals curl up around content you’re already probably doing (gathering, farming), or encourages you to try things you weren’t doing (gathering, farming). 😉
I’m still immensely enjoying my time in BDO, even though I only just hit level 22 last night with over 100 hours sunk into the game… It’s all good.