BDO: Still Horsing Around
While I’ve been busy playing FFXIV and FFXI this weekend, my little laptop has been constantly running BDO in the background, where I’ve been autolooping my horses to level them. I was unsuccessful in breeding any females from my last group of T3s, so I had to run out and tame some more T1/T2 females to start another family line. Note, I still have all my T4 and the one T5 from the previous lineage, just all of them were male, which wasn’t helpful.
It took about 17 tames to finally get two females from the wild last week. I spent a few days leveling them, and successfully bred and exchanged for a total of 4 T3 females to get me back in the game again. Yay!
So, this weekend was spent trying to level these new T3 females and the T4 males to a point where I could get better horses from my stock. Previously, I’d leveled them all to 12 and bred them. The calculator said I should have had over 50% chance to get a female, but all of those breedings resulted in males… So, this time, I’m pushing them to higher levels before breeding again.
This weekend also saw the US servers getting a boost in life skill experience gain. So everyone was out there leveling up. For the first time ever, I actually showed up in the top 30 Trainers on my server’s channel! By the end of the weekend, folks had beat me for that position again, but hey, I was there for a little while. 🙂

All Saturday, I spent leveling a T4 male from the previous lineage, SS Sensation. I had every intention to use him for breeding until I noticed he was learning one skill after another. Finally, at level 17, he had racked up like 7 skills, which was the most I’ve ever seen on any of my horses.
Out of curiosity, I decided to see what he’d go for on the market, and was shocked to see the game valued him at 1,700,000 (something) silver! Now, I’m a pretty broke player most of the time, just hoping to sell off some T2s for 65K if I’m lucky. So, this was a hard offer to pass up. I put him on the market, not sure that anyone would buy him… until about 10 mins later, he sold!

On one hand, this was fantastic as I really needed the money to continue my breeding efforts… and this was the first real money I’ve made in this game. On the other hand, I spent almost a full day leveling this horse (and I wasn’t close to done), so that meant I’d have to level another! XD
I started working on leveling a female all of yesterday, and I think she got to about level 18 before I gave my poor laptop a break. There’s no way I could have done this without autolooping…