BDO: Million Silver Horses
So I was down to my last T3 female again last night, and decided instead of working a week and a half to raise another pair to the point of shooting for T6 offspring, I would try to hit that spot where there was a 60% chance of breeding females. I left them breeding overnight, and manage to slip on right as maintenance ended before work this morning. So, again with the night pictures.
Despite that supposed 60% chance at females, again, I bred T4 males. Ugh… back to hunting down more females.
On the up side, I noticed that one of my males was born with the Drift skill, which I knew to be valuable. So I checked him out, and at level 1, with no training yet, he’s worth almost 2 million silver! I guess I know who I’m going to be leveling and attempting to sell tonight.

On a whim, I also checked the value of my T6 mustard horse, whom I did level to 3 last night. He only has 2 skills so far, neither of them that valuable as far as I know, and he’s already worth quite a bit.

Considering I’m not putting any silver into raising these horses, aside from breeding expenses, this is all pure profit should they sell. Maybe I’ll be able to afford to buy a female instead of scrounging to tame one instead. XD