FFXI: Collecting Trusts and Level 30 Dark Knight
It’s been almost a month since I began playing and writing about my return to FFXI. At this point, I’ve already far surpassed anything that I did back when I played FFXI over a decade ago. I have a level 30 Red Mage, a level 30 Dark Knight (Advanced Job), unlocked chocobos, earned mounts, and am progressing in my city ranking.
Everything from here on out is brand new to me, so I no longer feel like I’m in the state of “returning”… if that makes sense. I’ve also been slacking off my progression in the game quite a bit in favor of trying out other games lately. I’m still very interested in checking out these storylines that are dangling before me, and I want to put that cheaply-purchased box of expansions to some use. So, I’m not ready to call it quits yet.
However, I am changing the slant of my posts from being a “Return to Vana’diel” to something more like my normal progression posts. So, I’m officially bringing that series to an end.
Collecting Trusts
With that said, one of my new favorite things is to collect Trusts in FFXI. Yeah, I know they should technically be called Alter Egos, but folks seem to call them Trusts, and that’s rubbed off on me.

Last month, there was some Alter Ego Extravaganza going on that I wasn’t totally aware of until near the end of the month. Once I learned about this, I picked up a whole slew of new Trusts, including that really awesome tiger at the top of the post! Say what you want about dated graphics, I think this NPC looks pretty darn good!
Apparently, Ciphers are normal rewards for things like log-in events – I picked up a Shantotto II Trust from log-in rewards this month, for example. Being a solo player and a collector, I have to say that I really, really like the whole Trust collection system.
Since up until last month, the game didn’t have things such as mounts to collect, Trusts kinda seemed to be the collectable thing to me. You know, that thing you summon, run around with, and feel accomplished having? I know I feel tough with a huge tiger following me around… and he’s pretty strong, too!
My only beef with Trusts, and it’s a small one… is that you have to re-summon them every time you level up if you want them to be on level with you. It’s not terrible, but when you have a full party to individually dismiss and re-summon, and you gain levels as quickly as I seem to, it’s something I ended up doing often.
However, if the alternative is to not have Trusts, I’ll totally take the inconvenience of re-summoning. Yes, I will.
Leveling Dark Knight
One of my goals for May was to level my Dark Knight to 30, in order to match my highest level job from before. In the process of doing so, I have discovered Dark Knight is… really not that exciting of a job. Honestly, Trusts do all the fighting for me since my attacks are super slow. At least with Red Mage I was able to cast spells and feel like I was adding something to the fights my Trusts were carrying me through.
Not to mention, Dark Knights aren’t exactly considered the most wanted classes later on. I know that really shouldn’t effect my thoughts on it since I have no desire for end-game group content. But, still…

So, as much as I love the scythe, I don’t know if I’m going to continue leveling this job or not (at this point). I’m curious about Beastmaster, however, which was another job I had always wanted to unlock and try. I also hear that Geomancers are highly desired, and a job that attacks with a handbell is… well… interesting.

Oh, and I got my first housing decoration from the monthly login, as seen above. Apparently there’s some whole mog house expansion/decoration system that I know nothing about yet… but should really get involved with!
Aaaand that all being said, I’ve completely caught you guys up on all my progress in FFXI! I do want to write a quickie post about the scripting I’ve learned with Windower 4 that’s been a huge help, but from here on out, I’ll be posting progression as I make it.