Newbie Blogger Initiative (NBI) 2016 Announced!
I’m so very happy to announce that this year’s Newbie Blogger Initiative (NBI) is set to launch for June!
Gaming and MMO bloggers of all kinds – new, vets and returning – we invite you to be involved!
Ever thought about making your own gaming blog? Do it! We want to meet you and read all that you have to say!
Have you blogged before, but set it aside for whatever reason? That’s okay. Come, start blogging again, let us meet you!
“Vet” bloggers (if there’s such a thing), let’s shower these new and returning folks with help, mentorship, encouragement and (most importantly) readership. We all know what it feels like to put the shiny new blog out there to the vast big Internet, and then wonder “What’s next? How do I actually connect with people to get what I posted read?”
So many of my own, lasting blogosphere friendships were formed through folks I met in the NBI. There are so many very talented, creative and intelligent writers that I just can’t speak more highly of them. But if you’re new, don’t let that intimidate you – we want to give advice, read your posts, and ultimately welcome you to blog along with us.