FFXIV: Patch 3.3 Notes Highlights (IMHO)
As always, I’m taking a moment to highlight the things that excite or confuse me from the newest preliminary patch notes. I’m not touching on the expected content, like dungeons and raids. This focuses more on features and changes.
The YAY!!! Things

The more Hildibrand, the better!

Yes! Time to finish up those crafting three crafting classes that I haven’t leveled to 60!

Oh, very good! I need to go back to doing Ixali quests now.

Incentive to go back and finish those beast tribe reps I never did finish with Zuri.

Aw, yeah! Even more reason to keep racing my chocobo!

Very good! It doesn’t effect me, but for new players, this is a needed change!

Holy wow! This is a significant change! 😮

Tears. Of. Joy. People.Â
I can’t express to you how happy this made me. If these buffs are as good as I hope they are, I may be going back to Bard on Zuri again! I still have to deal with WM, but with a nice damage buff, I feel like I can try to gear up and play this class again.
It feels so nice to think I might get Zuri’s identity back, because I’ve been in such an awful flux since HW with her. I’ll leave all this gushing for another post, though.

This doesn’t effect me, but it’s a happy thing for machinists.

Good for farming Eso when dailies are done.

Nice feature! Thanks!

I’ve needed this for years. But why is this a toggle box and not just default for searching? 😮

This is awesome! 😀

Was just discussing the fact that you couldn’t hide quests from the log with someone the other day. Someone must have heard me.

Super important when you wear Amon’s Hat like I do!

This is something that I didn’t even know I needed.
The OK! Things

I’m pretty much done running these crystals, but anything that increases FATE activity gets an upvote from me.

This actually looks pretty cool. No reason not to pick them up.

It’s a cute, decorative idea. Not sure how much I’ll get into this, though. Especially since soil is a pain to get.

I’m glad we’re getting new housing plots and some adjustments, but it’s still not the real changes that we need for housing.

Thank you! I hope that fixes the weird directional music stuff going on with these.

More hair is always welcome. I might try that first one on Tai and see if it fits him.

I’ll believe it when I see it. >_>

This is good for folks who don’t have crafting jobs high enough to meld their own materia.

Very nice!


Great idea. I’m not sure that I’ll use it, but I’m sure someone will be!
The Meh Things

I understand why, but still a bit of a meh for encouraging anyone to run Void Ark after this.

This is alright, I guess. But it doesn’t really help address any of the underlying issues with the Mentor system and just makes it feel more complex.