FFXIV: Tai’s New Look
As expected, I’ve gone back to playing Tai for the new patch and a round at gearing up and clearing content. I didn’t work on earning Lore Tomes, but I was just a few short of earning my chestpiece, so we unlocked and finished Hullbreaker’s Hard tonight. I got Tai’s Slipstream chestpiece, which is interesting and certainly different from the previous mail he was wearing.
I’m also trying out one of the new hairstyles on him. I’ve not decided if I’m going to keep it or not… it’s hard to change a character when he was a certain way for 2 and a half years! This hair is a little more wild and emo, but it was kinda a bummer to have the same hairstyle so many other people choose when rolling a male Midlander.

I finally did have the time to watch that final cutscene for Heavensward, and I’m pleased with how the story ended. I now have a little Amyeric to follow me everywhere too!