FFXIV: Adventures of the Kitty Dragoon
I don’t know what’s possessed me to continue upgrading Zuri’s Dragoon last night. I had a ton of Eso, which I could have used for Relic stuff, but instead bought the Dragoon weapon and three accessory upgrades for Dragoon (despite having a pretty geared up Dragoon already). The flip side to this was while running Void Ark this week, I felt a whole lot stronger. XD
Still, when I get a Lore upgrade or drops from Weeping City, those always go to Bard. And Tai does his own runs for Dragoon drops. But Zuri is slowly catching up with Tai’s gear level, which is concerning.
Why have two Dragoons? I don’t know. Cuz I like it?
I also unlocked Ninja finally on Zuri this week.

And a FC group decided to come run with Syn and I to see the story in Tam Tara Hard Mode, after my post from yesterday. We did a synced version, and while the dungeon wasn’t overly hard, I could see how that last fight would have been a challenge back in the day.

Our FC has also been slightly addicted to doing maps and popping the Aquapolis. Last night, we reached the 7th Chamber yet again! Woot!