June Goals in Review
Wow, where did this month go? How’d you do on your gaming goals for June?
With the new FFXIV patch, running raids and doing treasure maps, there was a lot of gaming going on. I actually got a lot of gaming time in on Stardew Valley as well. But, with that all said, let’s take a look at what I set out to do and what I actually accomplished!
Earthbound Wii U
- Play some! ✓
Yep, got this done. I actually got all the way to Saturn Village, which was a good little chunk of gaming.
Pokemon X
- Earn the next Gym badge ✓
This badge was a slight challenge, but I have a wonky team at the moment. On to the next badge next month!
FFXIV End Game Stuff
- Complete the second-stage relic for Zuri’s Bard ✓
- Get Weeping City gear for Zuri✓
- Get Weeping City gear for Tai ✓
Getting all this stuff done and more. I cleared all of the new end game story for patch 3.3 on both characters. I not only upgraded armor for Tai and Zuri’s main classes, but I significantly upgraded Zuri’s dragoon as well. Annnnd… I finally finished the second stage of Anima on Zuri’s Bard and have slowly been gathering materials for the next stage.
FFXIV Crafting/Gathering
- Level Alchemist to 60 ✓
- Gear up Crafters
- Gear up Gatherers ✓
I’m making tons of progress on finishing up my crafting leveling, all thanks to the new Moogle quests. Not only did I get Alchemist to 60, but the last two classes – Armorer and Blacksmith – are at 56 and rising quickly. I should have all crafting classes maxed out next month.
I didn’t put much time into gearing up my crafters because I’m a little confused on how all that works right now. I’ve been focused more on leveling than gearing up.
I did start gearing my gatherers, however. I earned the Script fishing rod and mining pick, though I’ve yet to work on the botanist tool. But upgrading main hands are nice. Other than that, I’ve mostly been gathering Dragonskin maps.
FFXIV Leveling
- Unlock Warrior ✓
- Level Rogue to 25 ✓
- Level Gladiator to 25
- Clean up old quests✓
I succeeded in two of my leveling goals including unlocking Warrior on Zuri. Not only did I get Rogue to 25, but I pushed right on to 30, where I unlocked Ninja for Zuri, too. While I didn’t get Gladiator to 25, I did level it to 22, so that I could get the cross class Provoke for my Warrior.
I plan on running some of the Deep Dungeon to hopefully level my tanks a bit as I’m still not keen on running leveling roulette as low level tanks.
I’ve also been holding back on old quest clearing so that I can do that on my Gladiator. But, I did go and clean up a number of job and class quests, so that’s good enough, I suppose!
I can’t see my goals for July being too heavy since I’ve got almost all my crafters leveled, and I’m not overly worried about leveling my +50 jobs at the moment. Depending on how the Deep Dungeon plays depends on how I make level progress next month.