FFXIV: Weddings and Palace of the Dead
I’m feeling a bit better after my little rant post yesterday — thanks to all for putting up with that. Part of that has to do with a FC wedding I attended last night and part of that with the Palace of the Dead patch today.
It’s been a while since I’ve attended a wedding, and it was fun to see many FC members getting together, all dressed up to have a good time. Maybe I don’t praise my FC enough, but these are some good, fun folks. 🙂

Patch 3.5 also dropped last night bringing the Palace of the Dead. This is something I’ve been looking forward to for a long time. While work is keeping me from indulging in it until later tonight, what I read in the patch notes has made me happy. Not only does most of it seem to work the way I imagined, but the shiny weapon you get from it is ilvl 235 – a good alternative to Relic for someone like me. Also, reaching certain floors awards Tomes, which was an unexpected kindness that I didn’t see coming.
I’m fully aware that soloing this is going to be difficult from the start, but I’m sure going to give it a good try. It seems that you can keep all of your gear leveling, even if you roll back to level 1 to start the dungeon over. Depending on how difficult it is to level the weapon, 30 points doesn’t sound toooo bad.
I’ll let you know when I get there.