August Goals Blaugust 2016
This month, rather than just list gaming goals, I’m going for overall goals. Because this is the month of Blaugust!
I slacked off a bit last month in my blogging because I had a lot going on IRL, and I was struggling to write for NaNoWriMo as it was. So, my goals for Blaugust aren’t to post every day, but rather, get back into my habit of posting every weekday. I think that’s good enough, and I’m happy we get a choice, this year. Thanks Bel!
Now for my gaming goals! A number of these are playing catch-up with Zuri on content, to be honest.
- Play some!
Pokemon X
- Earn the next gym badge
FFXIV End Game Stuff
- Work on 3rd tier of Bard Relic ✓
- Get the PotD Bow ✓
- Get the PotD Spear
- Level Machinist ✓ (Ding 60!)
- Finish gearing up Bard ✓ (100% Complete!)
- Start gearing up Dragoon ✓
- Clear up to Alex 8 on Zuri ✓
- Unlock Level 60 Roulette on Zuri
FFXIV Leveling
- Level Gladiator to 30 ✓
- Clean up old quests ✓
FFXIV Random
- Earn some Yo-kai Weapons ✓