September Goals
Wow, it’s September already! This marks 6 months of me experimenting with making and trying to keep goals in gaming. Overall, I think this lends me some structure I might not otherwise have, so I’m going to keep doing this.
We’re looking at the next FFXIV patch releasing at the end of September, so I have a lot of things I want to get in order before that drops. Specifically, I want to catch up with Zuri’s Dragoon Relic and save up enough Lore to dump it all on armor for Dragoon.
So what do I want to accomplish this month?
- Play some!
Pokemon X
- Earn the next gym badge ✓
- Get badge after that, too ✓
FFXIV End Game Stuff
- Unlock Level 60 Roulette on Zuri ✓
- Finish 2nd Stage Dragoon Relic ✓
- Finish 3rd Stage Dragoon Relic ✓
- Finish 4th Stage Dragoon Relic ✓
- Start 5th Stage Dragoon Relic ✓
Finish Gearing Up Dragoon (Patch 3.4)
FFXIV General
- Level Warrior ✓
- Clean Up Old Quests ✓
- Gain reputation with Amalj’aa ✓
- Gain reputation with Sahagin ✓
- Work on creative/RP blog for Zuri – I’ve set up SongSpear for this ✓