First World Problems: Too Many Games!
Here’s the Namingway minion I got from buying the FFXIV Lore Book! My childhood self still argues that the original SNES Namingway looked like a cat and not a rabbit. But the minion is still adorable.
Anyhow. I have a problem. There are too many games coming out in a short time that I want to play. I suppose that if that’s my only problem, I’m doing pretty good. But it’s always tough when I feel myself torn between many games.
Civilization VI dropped last week and I’m still new to it. Still enjoying it. Still eeking out time to try and play a few more turns. I started a new game, and I’m learning about some of the religion and culture systems. But it’s hard to keep going with so many other games vying for my time.
Skyrim Special Edition released today. I didn’t realize until last month it was coming and that I’d get it for free since I already owned all the original DLC. Despite this, I’ve never actually played that much of Skyrim, but it’s always been a goal of mine to dive into the game. Having a special edition release encourages me to go back and revisit it, since it’s now an older game. Though, I’m not sure why that’s a thing for me.
FFXIV is dropping patch 3.45 on November 1. This is going to vastly expand the Palace of the Dead and give us another stage in the Anima weapon grind. I haven’t finished the current step of the Relic, but I’m hoping there’s a nerf of some sort. Either way, I know I’ll be playing out PotD quite a bit on top of capping tomes through Expert.
Sims 4 is also releasing the next expansion, City Living, on November 1. I like what I’ve seen so far, though I haven’t pre-purchased the expansion yet. I don’t know if I’ll have any time to play it! Also, it may see some sales going closer to December, so unless I get bored with what games I am playing (doubtful), I might hold off on picking this one up.
Pokemon Sun drops on November 18. I am pleased to feel as if I more or less completed Pokemon X in time for the new game… but there’s still a lot of Wonder Trading and areas I haven’t explored in X yet.
That doesn’t even touch on games that I want to play but haven’t booted up in a while. I was interested in ESO’s One Tamriel, but I simply haven’t had any time to log into that game at all. Or other things, like actually reading through the FFXIV lore book that I bought. I don’t know how people like Syp do it, but I really love his final sentiment here that you don’t need alt characters in a game… if the games themselves become your alts.
Anyhow. I don’t have an answer to this “problem.” Have a cute Namingway instead.