Pokemon Go: Hunting Santa Pikachu
The newest updates to Pokemon Go have renewed my interest in the app once again. The rain, however, has kept me inside and unable to go walking/hunting as much as I’d like.
Santa Pickachu
Most notably, the holiday event has brought us a Pikachu with a Santa hat. I’ve only ever caught/seen one Pikachu before this, so they’re pretty rare here to start with. In fact, they’re still fairly rare here, even with the event happening.
I’ve seen a Pikachu show up on my tracker twice since the update, but have been unable to find it both times. Yesterday, while shopping for groceries at the nearest Target (which has a Starbucks that did not become a Pokestop… bummer…), I saw a whole slew of Pokemon hanging out.

It’s nice that there does seem to be an increase in spawn, but none of these were what I was looking for.
Still haven’t found a Ditto, either!
Tracker Updates
Speaking of the tracker, I’m finally seeing the new tracking system they’ve added to the game. Honestly, it doesn’t do much to help me. If you’re close enough to a Pokestop, the tracker lets you know what’s hanging out at the stop. Everything else is still pure guesswork.
Since I’m rarely at a place that is near enough to a Pokestop, I’m still just as much in the dark as I’ve always been about Pokemon location. I guess it’s nice if you live in a city, though.
Gen 2 Arrival
We’ve also got new Gen 2 Pokemon in the game… but only from hatching eggs. And only from eggs that you received after the Gen 2 update. This is where I stand on this…

Old eggs. Every one of them.
Thankfully, I do have a few incubators that are working to speed up the process. I was using those even before the update came out, so I hope I can get to walking and get some of these hatched to pick up some new eggs.
Also, is it just me, but I haven’t found a 10K egg in a LONG, LONG time…
Those who are playing, are you having any luck scoring a Pikachu?