WordPress Personal Plan Storage Upgrade!
Last night, I heard my phone buzz.
I looked over and saw an alert from WordPress that said nothing but “Storage Upgrade!”
I got excited. I opened the app and saw this:

I got very excited. I started looking around for more information. Sure enough, on the WordPress plans page, it notes that all free blogs still have 3 GB of space, but the Personal paid accounts now have 6 GB!
This is a huge deal! I say that because storage space was one limitation that worried me when I moved over to WordPress.com hosting.
I noted in my Moving Post:
3GB storage space for images is pretty low for me. I’ve been spoiled by having “unlimited” space for many years. Already, my blog has that over 40% full.
Now that I’m only using 21% of my storage space, I feel much more at ease about things, and much more content in the choice I made to move this blog here.
So, if you’re using WordPress’ Personal plan, you have an upgrade! If you’re using a free plan and are approaching the 3 GB limit, the Personal plan is a nice option to double your space for very little cost.