July 2016 Archives

July Goals in Review
Posted on July 29
So a number of things came up this month that I didn’t expect, which took me a little off the beaten path, quite literally — challenges at work, and the release of Pokemon GO.

FFXIV Changes Its Mind – Bard Drops!
Posted on July 29
Someone must have been reading my complaint post on never seeing a relevant Bard drop from Weeping City and said, “Get that kitty a drop, stat!” Because after a month of getting nothing on my weekly Weeping City run, I finally, finally got the Bard chest piece from the run tonight.

FFXIV: All Crafters to 60, YoKai Fun & Finishing Camp NaNoWriMo
Posted on July 28
This week has felt pretty busy. There’s just been a whole lot of content to work through in FFXIV (Deep Dungeon & YoKai Event), along with my struggles to complete Camp NaNoWriMo before the month ended.

FFXIV Really Wants Me to Play Dragoon
Posted on July 27
So it’s been a full month of running Weeping City with FC folks and not getting a Bard drop for Zuri. Granted, I only run it once a week because I still am not that fond of it. But, that’s four runs without a drop, and I have three different gear slots that I still need to fill.

Camp NaNo: Creative Struggles
Posted on July 25
July was supposed to be a Camp NaNoWriMo for me, but I’ve really been dropping the ball on writing this month. I set a goal of 15K words (which is super low for me) to get some writing started on Shadows of Zot. I kicked around a few chapters earlier this month, but due to work stress and just feeling low in creativity, I didn’t get much else done.

FFXIV: I Welcome the New Palace of the Dead
Posted on July 20
I’ve already heard some players grumbling about how The Palace of the Dead is boring, etc. etc. etc. But, for me, this is a kind of content that I really enjoy. It’s great because level, gear and class really don’t matter.

FFXIV: Weddings and Palace of the Dead
Posted on July 19
It’s been a while since I’ve attended a wedding, and it was fun to see many FC members getting together, all dressed up to have a good time. Maybe I don’t praise my FC enough, but these are some good, fun folks.

FFXIV: Relic, Second Coil, and MMO Discouragement
Posted on July 18
Syn has worked really hard to finish the Hyperconductive Anima stage of the White Mage Relic for Zeb, which she just obtained this weekend.

Amazon Prime Day 2016: The Spoils
Posted on July 13
This time last year, I didn’t even have an Amazon Prime account. Now days, I’m not sure what I’d do without it. That being said, I spent too much money at yesterday’s Prime Day sale.

I Guess GW2 Really Doesn’t Want to Win Me Back
Posted on July 12
Not that I’ve had a lot of interest in coming back to GW2. It’s still installed on my laptop somewhere, but I had even given up logging in for the daily rewards once I got my third (or was it fourth) level 80 character from the tomes.

Pokemon GO is Changing Everything
Posted on July 11
That Bulbasaur up there got away, even though I used Razzberries and got two “Nice” throws. Oh well.

Pokemon GO is a GO!
Posted on July 7
I know it’s been a quiet week here on this blog — I’ve had a ton of challenges to overcome IRL that has left me tired and low on energy for blogging or gaming. Despite being super tired last night, the release of Pokemon GO had me excited.

July Gaming Goals
Posted on July 1
I honestly don’t have anything too pressing I want to finish this month, aside from the normal runs in FFXIV that I’ll already do.