October 2016 Archives

Happy Halloween! October Goals in Review
Posted on October 31
I decided to consolidate my Halloween thread into my goals in review this time around. Hope you don’t mind. So here’s how it went this month!

HapiHaloween Pokemon Wonder Trade
Posted on October 29
I had a “great idea” to spread some Halloween cheer on the Pokemon Wonder Trade for this weekend. So I went out and hunted down a Pumpkaboo, which I didn’t already have for some reason.

First World Problems: Too Many Games!
Posted on October 28
Here’s the Namingway minion I got from buying the FFXIV Lore Book! My childhood self still argues that the original SNES Namingway looked like a cat and not a rabbit. But the minion is still adorable.

Pokemon: Go for Halloween + Sun/Moon Final Starter Evolutions Leaked
Posted on October 27
I’d heard about the Pokemon Go update previously, but lots of thanks to Wilhelm for reminding me about the Halloween event! I know that it only lasts for a few days, but I have to say that the bonuses it gives was enough to entice me to pick the app back up (though I already had plans to use it more with the cooler weather rolling in).

FFXIV: Alexander Creator Cleared
Posted on October 26
First, I want to thank the kind folks in my FC who helped me through A11 and A12. I really do appreciate the help, and everyone played well… I know without them, I probably wouldn’t have gotten through. So don’t let my frustration with myself and the raid reflect on these good folks.

Casual Thoughts on Civ VI from a Bad Player
Posted on October 25
Well, I lost my first game of Civ VI last night, so I figured it was time discuss the game in a casual light.

FFXIV: Glamour, Gear and Mounts!
Posted on October 24
Glamour, gear and mounts. Well. That title pretty much sums up the most important end game aspects of FFXIV, doesn’t it?

Thoughts on the Nintendo Switch
Posted on October 21
Seeing that I bought a Wii U a little over a year ago, I’ve hardly been giving the Nintendo NX leaks the time of day. I’m not grouchy, but at the same time, I’ve been resistant to thinking that a new system is coming out to replace my Wii U so early on in its life cycle.

FFXIV: All Saints’ Wake 2016
Posted on October 20
To be honest, despite the expansion announcement and the FFXIV Fan Fest, things are kinda quiet and ramping down for me in game. Lately, I’ve just been logging in to take care of my Expert Roulette and slowly chip away at my Anima weapon progress. I’m leveling my Scholar on the side, and trying to gear up my healer when I can.

Returning from the FFXIV Fanfest 2016
Posted on October 17
I am alive! …but extremely jet lagged. No time for rest, though, because it’s back to work for me.

Pokemon X: Championship and First Shiny
Posted on October 11
Sorry for cruddy phone pictures. It was the only way I could get screenshots from Pokemon X. So, during the time I had no power this weekend, I pushed through the Pokemon League to become the Champion.

Crazy Hurricane Weekend (And Lots of Gaming)
Posted on October 10
Creepy picture of Hurricane Matthew’s “Grinning Skull” as shown by several weather stations. *shudder*

Pokemon X: I’m Going to the Pokemon League!
Posted on October 7
Though I’ve played Pokemon on and off since Pokemon Blue was released, and I’ve owned three Pokemon games since then (Blue, SoulSilver, X), I have never been to the Pokemon League before. Heck, in the other two games, I didn’t get past gathering the first 2 badges.

IRL Rant: Time Warner/Spectrum Internet Foul Up
Posted on October 6
I don’t usually rant about IRL stuff, but this really burnt my biscuits.

Stardew Valley: Popping the Question
Posted on October 4
Stardew Valley v1.1 just released yesterday with a lot of great new features and improvements. I picked up the game again, and realized that I’d never finished documenting my original playthrough yet.

FFXIV: A Weekend of Small Victories
Posted on October 3
This weekend in FFXIV has been one of many small victories and steps forward. I was very pleased to have capped out on Scripture Tomes mostly through runs of PotD with The Posse this week. As I deduced before, I didn’t touch Expert Roulette once, and I’m having a much better time of it.