January Gaming Goals in Review
The first month of 2017 is already flying out the door. Wow! And to make it a little annoying, I have a healthy dose of Jury Duty for this first week of February. So my blogging time is going to be all over the place.
Despite that, let’s take a look at how I handled the goals I set at the beginning of this month!
Steam Personal Challenge
- Play at least 2 games from my Steam Backlog ✓
I actually did do this! Though I didn’t finish the games I started.
Over the holidays, I started a game of Undertale on Syn’s brother’s laptop at his request to see if I enjoyed it. When I did, he gifted me a copy. I figured since I already put some time into it once, I may as well play it back up to the point I had left it on his laptop. I haven’t finished it yet, but am working on it.
The other game I played for a short time was the freebie that I already had installed on my PC, Mandagon. It was a fascinating and pretty game, but after about 18 mins of bouncing around and not being sure what I was supposed to be doing, I put it down. Still, neat free game if that’s your kind of thing!
Pokemon Sun
- Complete the storyline
I’ve actually not touched Pokemon Sun since the holidays. Bad me. I’ll try to do better in February since I’m pretty close to finishing the story.
Black Desert
- Level up while I still have access to the Olvia channel (only this month)
I also haven’t logged into Black Desert at all since before the holidays. Oh well. I wonder if I’ll be given another chance at the Olvia channel if I don’t log in for a while.
Final Fantasy XIV
- Upgrade Dragoon Gear (After 3.5 patch)✓
- Work on Relic (After 3.5 patch) ✓
- Level Monk ✓
- Do Summoner job quests
- Clean up old quests (Get this done for good) ✓
- Gain reputation with old 2.0 Beast Tribes (Priority)✓
I actually did really well on achieving my goals in FFXIV this month! I’ve been steadily upgrading Dragoon and Bard gear, and working on my Relic grind. I leveled my Monk to 60, and now just need to finish up the job quests for Summoner.
I’ve cleaned up all the open-world quests I found and had on my list from months ago. I also finished reputation with all beast tribe quests, and did both alliance quests for ARR and Heavensward tribes.
I still have a lot of things I want to do, so there’s no shortage of goals for next month!