FFXIV: Tales from the Duty Finder – BWAAAA!
I know that I generally use Tales from the Duty finder as a place to vent about unpleasant party members… but this will be an exception, because you meet plenty of good folks, too. Three of the Posse queued up for Leveling Roulette, and I being yet a noob tank, was nervous we were picking up a random as a DPS.
We popped Halatali, and got a Ninja as our fourth. She seemed friendly enough, and was even asking for some help with her Ninja on things like skill choice and attribute points. I told her what I could from what I know (not a whole lot), and the dungeon went pretty smooth despite my noob tanking.
So we get to the final boss and it’s so… so… so… hard as a tank who usually plays DPS to resist pounding the Limit Break button when that pops. Up until now, Xaa was handling Limit Breaks, so we had no idea that when the Ninja did it, she would rip out with this macro…

I’m so glad she waited until the end of the fight to Limit Break because that tickled me so much I’m sure my tanking skill dropped even lower than normal.
For the rest of the night, I referred to Limit Breaks as BWAAAAAA!