FFXIV: All Eorzea is a Stage
Our Free Company, KoM, is about to celebrate our third year anniversary in a week. So I’ve been scrambling to put together an event with several activities to celebrate it. The first activity I could think of was, naturally, a glamour contest for FC members, with prizes from the Mog Station.
But I knew that we couldn’t hold a glamour contest in just any old place. I started to gather materials to build a Troup Stage for our FC house, thinking of all the rearranging and organizing I’d have to do in the front room to make it work. The stage alone was going to be a challenge to craft, but I was ready to try.
Then, much to my surprise and delight, Bean and Talo from the FC contacted me to show me something so much better than I’d been envisioning myself. They’d transformed the bottom floor of Talo’s house into a venue!

When they first invited me to come see it, it was still in a state of construction. But even then, it was amazing in the amount of time and detail that’d gone into it. It had a stage (which was far more economic to build than the one I was trying to make), and an audience room.

I offered my assistance, since they’d already done so much, and helped to gather and craft parts of the two spotlights and chandelier. A big thanks to Wry for crafting the pieces I could not — I learned really fast that I’m missing some Master crafting books I need to work on obtaining.
They also built this neat behind the stage greenroom for our glamour contestants. I was blown away by all the little details put into it!

Most of all, I’m really happy that our anniversary event has inspired this kind of involvement even before it’s even begun. Our previous anniversary happened to just fall on a Sunday when we had FC Pizza Night, and we scooped everyone up to organize a series of group pictures on the FC house roof. That was the extent of it! 😀
Needless to say, I’m still working on figuring out what all we’ll do for this event, but I’m hoping our activities will be much more entertaining than last year!