FFXIV: Under the Sea
Warning: Mild Spoilers for FFXIV Stormblood.
So after a few scuffles and misunderstandings in Kugane, we finally got out of the city and into the Ruby Sea. I was itching to get out and unlock a new zone, especially since I want more options for my gathering jobs, and I was looking forward to progressing to new areas.

While the zone itself has some interesting areas, inhabitants and unfolding story, I have to admit that one of the features I’ve looked forward to is diving (and eventually spearfishing).
Swimming in MMOs… has rarely been one of my favorite things, and underwater battle rarely takes full advantage of what it could be (GW2, I’m looking at you). I’m not much of a swimmer IRL, so I hate games that have a breath meter and drowning as a mechanic. Thankfully, FFXIV gets around this with a neat questline and Ninja Turtle ritual.

And now, I can happily swim under water with no fear of drowning ever again! Not only that, but we get to ride cool (temporary) mounts.

Along with cities on floating islands (which they’ve already done), underwater dome cities are another one of my fantasy favorites. So I’ve been in a happy spot seeing sights like this.

I reached level 63 RDM just before the quests started asking for the level, so I still feel like I need to be working on some PvP or something on the side. We’ve been hitting up FATEs as we find them, but not doing many of the side quests yet… until Amoon mentioned that some of those side quests leads to Aether Currents (doh).
I wanted to save some of the content for my second job, but I guess it doesn’t really matter in the end. The content and leveling will all get done one way or another.
I have an itching feeling we’re creeping up on another dungeon or our first primal, though. So, I’ll see where the story carries us tonight.
Other than that, my Squads have dutifully brought back enough Crafter Scrips for me to buy the last Master IV crafter book that I needed. I still need to go back and work on the Master II books I don’t have yet, and maybe work on some of my desynthing, which I haven’t touched in a long time.
I’ve not touched my crafters at all yet, since I only just got to Kugane last night, where the leves are located. But I have already spent some time looking at the leves, the materials required, and the guides players are making for leveling. It’s on my mind, I just haven’t sat down and organized things for it.
And then there’s this little guy…

Thanks to Reddit, I have a good idea how to get this minion. I just have to get my retainers the gear to do it. That’s going to be a work in progress this weekend.