Splatoon: Splatted by Murf!
So, tonight I was just earning some gold in Splatoon for my new 18K shades in Turf Wars when I saw this pop up on my roster:

I saw the name Murf, and even though he’s on my Switch friends list, I was like, “No way. that can’t be Murf-Murf!”
But, sure enough, right after the match was over, I get a tweet.

So, thus the friendly rivalry begins… in which Murf splats me a whole heck of a lot. I’m just a noob with an oversized paint roller who plays far too recklessly for my own good. So I’m sure he was probably shaking his head by the time the matches were over.
Sadly, we only got put on the same team twice, but both times, our team were winners.

Good game, Murf!
I had to go and find you in town to part peacefully. I hope we’re still friends? 😉