FFXIV: The Things I Do for Fluff
With the Yo-kai Watch event in full swing and FATE running going on everywhere, I’ve spent most of my time playing alts in FFXIV over the weekend. I’m not sure that I’m going to get the minions on every alt I have, though I haven’t gotten tired of it yet. I’m sure FATEs will slow down after this week, though, so I’m trying to make the most of it.
I knew that of all alts, I wanted Ben to get the Whisper Mount. Just because it’s too funny.
The only thing was, I hadn’t played far enough into the MSQ to unlock the chocobo mount. I knew running FATEs would be a pain in the tail to do without a mount, so I spent a good chunk of time pushing through to unlock Grand Companies and riding.
Once I got Ben out into the field, Amoon helped to speed up the process with the speed boosted ground mount in that area and a double seater chocobo.

We stuck to running the FATEs around the Sahagin area in Western La Noscea, which turned out to be fast and good experience. I didn’t go out there to level, but Ben went from 50 to 52 by the time we finished. I got all the Yo-kai minions and the three weapons for that area done.

The next character I took out into the event was my AuRa Zuri. The more I play her in this form, the more I really like her as an AuRa. I changed her to her current almost albino form back in July.

The issue with this version of Zuri is that I’d switched main jobs on her, and needed to get my Archer to level 32 Bard in order to continue with the MSQ (where I left off with it on Dragoon). I’ve slowly leveled her here and there, but I knew that picking up the FATE train while earning Yo-kai would be a great way to work on this.
I was correct! Not only did she get level 32, but I also got her the Whisper bow and unlocked Bard on her.

I still have three minions left to earn, so I may as well finish the event out for her. But now I can pick up the MSQ and make progress on her again!
Lala Invasion
I forgot to talk about some of the changes I’ve made to the Lalas in my Alt group. You might remember that a while back, I rolled a girl Lala named Hedge Mouse. Then, for the preferred server project we started, I rolled a second Lala based on Porom from FFIV.
When all the emotes and such went on sale on the Mog Station, I decided to splurge on some things for my alts. I knew that I really wanted the /playdead emotes for my Lala, but I liked the male emote just as much as the female. It felt kinda pointless to get two of the same thing….
So, I decided to Fantasia Hedge Mouse into a boy Lala! I had a final one free Fantasia left on this character, so it worked out.

I tried to keep the coloration mostly the same, though I’m not set on the hairstyle and might tweak that some. I also still don’t know what job I want to play on him. I originally started with the idea of having a little girl Lala Samurai, which is why I started on Pugilist.
Anyhow, now I have both /playdead emotes!