FFXIV: Tales from the Duty Finder – The Day I Saved the Raid
I don’t like to write about myself in Tales from the Duty Finder, since this is supposed to be a section about funny or annoying things that happen due to other people. But Syn told me I should post this, so I will.
This actually happened back before Thanksgiving, so it’s been a while. Syn and I tend to do Alliance Roulettes daily in order to level alt jobs. Right now, I’m leveling my Machinist so that I can eventually get Bard and Machinist to share the same gear at 70.
I’m not the greatest Machinist, and I’m only running around in Shire gear, despite being level 67… cuz… just leveling. But it’s generally fine since it’s only level 60 content at the most, anyhow.
One day, we ended up with Dun Scaith as our roulette. I’m rarely thrilled to get a level 60 raid in roulette, but the higher experience gain makes up for the pain. Believe it or not, we were having that pain on the Proto Ultima boss, of all things.
I have no idea what happened, but our entire group, aside from myself and Syn (who was a tank) died on this fight. So we were racing the timer with very low DPS at the end while the Proto Ultima was counting down the seconds until going Supernova (raid wipe).
I was the only DPS left alive in our group, and all other groups had already used their Limit Breaks. Someone raised a healer in our group and one of the DPS called for a Healer Limit Break 3, which would have raised everyone who was down.

I hesitated. I didn’t want to be the one who blew a LB and failed the raid. But the healer wasn’t using it. (?)
Then, someone else shouted for the DPS LB instead! I was the only one alive in my group who could do it!!
I saw the countdown.
10 seconds!
Boss at 2% health!!
I slam the DPS LB button!
Animation lock, big guns come out.

And that’s how I saved the raid.

Spoiler – And I didn’t get a single commendation from this run. 🙁
That’s life, I guess.