FFXIV: STOP! Glamour Time!
I haven’t been very immersed in FFXIV lately, so I decided to do a few low-key things today to get my feel for this game back. This included working on a holiday glamour!
Our FC has a holiday event coming up this weekend, so I sat down and sorted through my Starlight gear from the past few years and put together a pretty typical outfit.

I think it goes particularly well with a rapier though. 🙂

I also got off my lazy bum and worked through the level 60+ Bard job quests. Though my Bard has been level 70 for a while, I didn’t do a single story quest this whole time. Shame, shame.
I was motivated when I saw some of the Storyteller artifact gear you get from the final quest — I already have better gear stat-wise, but I liked the way some of it looked. So, it was glamour time for my bard, too.

I’m glad I did the story, though, because I forgot how much I enjoyed the dynamics between Guydelot and Sanson. It actually helped, I think to sit down and do all the quests straight in a row, though, because it kept me focused on the quest chain. Breaking it up between levels sometimes leaves parts of the story fuzzy.
Maybe I’ll unlock the /perform action and see how that works!