Steam Challenge: Corporate Lifestyle Simulator
Game: Corporate Lifestyle Simulator
Time: 30 mins
I don’t even remember where I got this game. It might have been a freebie. It might have been part of a bundle. I shoved it under the “clear” category in my Steam Library, which indicates I intended to fire it up for a few minutes, play a little bit, and remove it, all in the name of getting a sub-par game off my “unplayed” Steam library list.
That’s actually not what happened at all.
I’m not much into arcade shooters, but I fired this game up and it had me laughing long enough to play through the whole first section. There’s even a bit of a storyline that goes with it, though a funny and messed up storyline.
What Is It?
Corporate Lifestyle Simulator describes itself as:
Battle your way through corporate architecture and brain dead, buzzword-spewing, middle managers using office supplies as weapons to work through your Jungian shadow issues…
Fight back against the forces of tyranny and liberate your fellow coworkers from the oppressive evil that dominates them…
And… that pretty much covers it.
You can never quite tell if it’s a zombie apocalypse or if Big Brother Corporation finally consumed one too many souls, leaving the managers brain-eating zombies. And that’s just fine. Part of the joke and appeal of the game is that you’re an office worker fighting off these managers as they groan things like “Synergy” and “On My Radar” and “Core Competency” as they shuffle along.

You pick up weapons from every day things around the office, and help rescue your co-workers, who fight along side you as you move from stage to stage. Each stage allows you to bust up just about everything in the office… which feels real good after a long day at the office.
Sometimes, there are specific things you have to do to clear a stage, and those are generally mapped out at the beginning. Like there was one that asked you to not destroy too many items in the office. That one was hard. 🙂

There are funny little cutscene story pieces, which are super easy to skip (as I discovered) between the stages. These don’t last long and are somewhat roughly voice acted… but I almost wonder if that’s on purpose.
Also, there are boss fights.

Oh, and when you die, you get often funny but inappropriately attributed quotes to famous writers/people.

Also, the music was pretty jammin’.
So… uh… do I recommend it?
It really depends on if you enjoy this kind of game. For $4.99, it’s a “cute” little shooter/bash-em-up with a good sense of humor. Definitely a good way to take your stress out after a hard day at the office.
Chances are, you can pick this up as part of a bundle somewhere down the line, however. You might already have it, in fact. If you do, and you need a little diversion, give it a whirl.