June 2017 Archives

Secret World Legends: Got My Stuff!
Posted on June 30
So, in my previous post about SWL, I was specifically frustrated and concerned about two things: 1) The performance of the game, and 2) I couldn’t find all the stuff I transferred from my original Secret World account. Both of these have been addressed.

FFXIV: The Zuri Update – Circle of Life
Posted on June 29
There’s not been progress that I want to share in FFXIV lately (unless leveling Fisher is interesting to you), but I did want to talk about the cycles and circles of getting my characters to a place that feels right for me.

FFXIV: Leonhart Attire
Posted on June 28
I got the final FFXIV Veteran rewards for being subscribed to the game for 1440 days: the Leonhart Attire.

Secret World Legends: Rocky Start
Posted on June 27
I actually got into the final round of closed beta for Secret World Legends, like three days before they opened it up to all veteran players. I feel special. :p

FFXIV: Stormblood Location, Nostalgia and Inspiration
Posted on June 26
I spent way too many hours logged into FFXIV this weekend, to the point my poor eyes were aching from strain. This was partially because Stormblood has been a captivating experience, and partially because Syn and I were working to get through as much story as we could before she was away on yet another business trip.

FFXIV: Under the Sea
Posted on June 23
So after a few scuffles and misunderstandings in Kugane, we finally got out of the city and into the Ruby Sea. I was itching to get out and unlock a new zone, especially since I want more options for my gathering jobs, and I was looking forward to progressing to new areas.

FFXIV: Arriving in Kugane
Posted on June 22
I’m still behind on story at this point, so I don’t know how much of a spoiler this will be to those who are dedicated to getting the expansion done. We got a good chunk of story completed last night, though, and I finally got to see Kugane is person for the first time.

FFXIV: Red Mage Main – Level 61 Ding!
Posted on June 21
It feels like it’s been a long road from 50 to 61, but finally, my Red Mage is on level to where I left off with my Bard. I didn’t go very far into the story because I wanted to use Red Mage as my main for the MSQ, and also because Syn was out of town for work, and I’d like to duo the story with her.

FFXIV: PSA – Frontlines PvP is Fun and Fast Leveling
Posted on June 20
Here’s something I never thought I’d write: Frontlines PvP is fun. It’s also a fast and low stress experience.

FFXIV: Stormblood Tidbits
Posted on June 19
I have a bunch of little things that I wanted to mention, but don’t really have a place for them. They’re too short to have their own posts, so here they are as quickie tidbits.

FFXIV Stormblood: Falling in Love
Posted on June 19
I mentioned in yesterday’s post that despite the technical issues that cropped up with Stormblood, I’m far more optimistic about FFXIV than I probably have been in years. This, simply put, is because I think I’ve finally found a job that I love: Red Mage.

FFXIV: Stormblood Storyline Snafu
Posted on June 18
I want to start this post by saying that while it’s sad that Stormblood EA didn’t start smoothly, this wasn’t something I didn’t expect to happen. It’s the risk you take when you buy into Early Access, and I remember quite well the Heavensward EA… and how the data centers crashed repeatedly.

FFXIV: Eeeeeeeeeeee! (Translation: Red Mage Unlocked!!!)
Posted on June 16
They give you a really nice set of cosmetics to go with the unlock. Certainly knew what I was hoping for in unlocking this job! 🙂

FFXIV: “Farewell” to Heavensward
Posted on June 15
I’ve been seeing a lot of posts on Reddit and Twitter where people are saying “Farewell” to Heavensward. I don’t really get that, because it’s not as if Ishgard is going anywhere. I guess the title screen is changing, and I’m losing Ring of Thorns (I spent a lot of time pole jumping last night – RIP).

7D2D: Alpha 16 Release
Posted on June 14
So, while the Posse is fidgeting and waiting for Stormblood to drop, 7D2D released Alpha 16 last weekend… just in time to give us a little taste of it before FFXIV whisks us away. This update upped the stakes and increased the difficulty of the game, which was something we could tell instantly (even though we play on lower settings).

FFXIV: Free Company Frenzy, Friends and Fun
Posted on June 13
Things have been interesting in our FC the past week or so. You’d think that with Stormblood on the horizon people would be chilling out and taking a break until it drops. But that’s not what’s been happening in KoM at all.

FFXIV: Your Momma Jokes
Posted on June 12
When “Your Momma” jokes go wrong.

FFXIV: Top 6 Things I Disliked from Heavensward
Posted on June 8
Since Stormblood is just around the corner, I’ve decided to make a few posts thinking back over Heavensward in general. What did I like? What didn’t I like? What was just meh?

FFXIV: Top 7 Things I Loved from Heavensward
Posted on June 7
Since Stormblood is just around the corner, I’ve decided to make a few posts thinking back over Heavensward in general. What did I like? What didn’t I like? What was just meh?

FFXIV: Rainmaker Hair & Getting Ready for Stormblood
Posted on June 6
Last week, I did the quest for the new Make it Rain event, which awarded the new hair, Rainmaker. This hair has been widely looked forward to by many in the FFXIV community, so I’m glad that it wasn’t too difficult to get.

Switch Gaming: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Posted on June 5
This weekend, Nintendo Switch owners in my FFXIV Free Company got together to play some online Mario Kart 8 for the first time. We got Syn’s Switch set up and running, and Discord did surprisingly well on phones and wireless headsets as a means of group chat for Switch play.

Kitty Korner: Unexpected Kitten Homed!
Posted on June 5
Pictured above was part of a flier that I used to advertise that the abandoned kitten I found last week was in need of a home. I printed it and posted it up around work last Friday… and what do you know? It did its job.

FFXIV: Character Cards
Posted on June 4
I saw these floating around on Tumblr this weekend, so I created some for my own character.