Last night, I ranked up with the Ananta Beast Tribe, which opened up new rewards for me to purchase. I knew the flying elephant mount was a thing, so not much surprise there, but still a lot of fun to rumble around on this thing.
The description notes that it flies due to the magic carpet on its back, not because of its ears, btw. I suppose that’s legit enough.
I had fun romping around in the housing neighborhood, pretending to get stuck in things…

I still have one more rank up to go, which I believe will unlock the True Griffon mount at the end. For those who didn’t get the CE Heavensward edition griffon, this is a welcome thing.
In the meantime, I’ve leveled my Paladin from 64 to over halfway through 68 on Beast Tribe quests alone since patch 4.2 dropped. It’s slow, for sure, but a safe way to level a tank for someone who is shy to tank like me.
I’ve also been leveling my Samurai through Alliance Roulettes, and am slowly working on pulling another job to level 60. I need to get with leveling my other lower jobs through Squad runs again. I just haven’t had the time to juggle all of these things at once!
I think I might concentrate on leveling the Ninja next, seeing it’s the last of my DPS that’s under level 50, and I have a stash of gear waiting for it once I get it leveled!