FFXIV: Tales from the Duty Finder – “People who sprint in raids…”
I would like to close out this week with a lighthearted story of a MT in Labyrinth of the Ancients from an alliance roulette we ran this past weekend.
Now, I still love Crystal Tower raids. But when you’ve run them a million times, you pretty much know the drill by heart. So, it’s not unusual to make up a bit of fun as you go along.
One of those things we do for fun is pretend “racing” from one boss room to the next. I mean, those purple lines on the ground are finish lines, right?
So, my alliance (and just about everyone I see in these raids) always sprint through transition areas, trying to be the first into the next room. Why not? As long as you’re not sprinting ahead to pull the boss before everyone is ready, there’s no harm in it.
Apparently, someone in our raid thought otherwise. They must have been holding a private conversation about it that suddenly turned into a miss-tell.

The response to this was priceless.

And if people weren’t sprinting before this conversation, they were now! The rest of the raid was sprinkled with moments like this:

Good times.
Bonus Round: Puns from Eureka!
What do you do when you’re dying terribly to a bear NM that you’re way underleveled to attempt to fight? Floor tank and watch the bear puns roll in, of course.

There were a lot more puns that followed, but I didn’t get the time to screenshot them all. Such a shame!