April 2018 Gaming Goals in Review
This month, I completely dropped the ball on my gaming goals. On one hand I’m sorry, on another hand, I’m not so much. I’m having a whole lot of fun doing what I’m doing, and it’s put me in an artistic mood, rather than a really gaming mood.
I’m sure I’ll swing back to my MMO ways, especially with a new FFXIV patch coming out in May. But for right now, I’m excited by the fact that I can paint my own virtual horses and put the coats up for sale for other people to use in Second Life.
I even opened a new shop!

Ahem… sorry. Where was I?
Oh, yes. Failed goals for the month. Here we go!
FFXIV Leveling Goals
- Level Ninja to 50
- Level Summoner/Scholar (to 70?) ✓
I’m happy to announce the one goal I did complete was leveling Summoner/Scholar to 70. Now, I just have to go back and do job quests for both those jobs. ><
Ninja I did work on a little bit. I’m just shy of 50 — at level 46. I could easily knock that out with a handful of squad runs, but I just haven’t been motivated to finish it. I guess it goes on next month’s goals.
FFXIV Cleanup Quest Goals
- Ninja – Lv 40+45 Quests
- Warrior – Lv 40 Quest (maybe a few before that, not sure)
- Black Mage – Lv 64-70 Quests ✓
- Machinist – Lv 60-70 Quests
- Paladin – Lv 60-70 Quests
- Miner – Lv 70 Quest
- Botanist – Lv 70 Quest
- Fisher – Lv 60-something – 70 Quest
- Check all Crafters to make sure they’ve completed up to Lv 60 Quest at least
Yeah, here’s where the disappointment starts. I really should have spent more time cleaning up these quests. Even an hour here or there would have made some progress. I still can’t believe I let myself get this far behind.
At least I did finish the Black Mage quests. Sorry to folks who enjoy the job… I just can’t get into it. I’ve got Red Mage, and even Summoner, down okay. But just don’t enjoy Black Mage, which is sad.
I’ve always found the Black Mage quests really annoying, even when I’m overgeared for them. So if there’s one job I’m glad to be done with, it’s this one. While I did kinda enjoy the story for the job quests (Shantotto doesn’t have a lot of meaning to me, sorry), the actual fights are generally frustrating and a pain in the tail. So… if there had to be one set of quests I forced myself to finish, it was these.
PC Goals
- Try 1 new Steam game each week
HAH! No. It didn’t happen. I would like to try again next month, though.
What will happen next month? I’ll try to put up some goals tomorrow, but really, I know Second Life is going to continue to call to my creativity. There’s just too much to make, see and do. Never enough time.