May 2018 Gaming Goals in Review
Gosh, where has the year gone? It’s almost June already! That means it’s time to look back over this past month’s goals and see how I did.
Verdict: Not too bad, considering. I think I’m setting goals a bit too high, though, so I’m going to cut back and focus on smaller goals next month.
FFXIV Leveling Goals
- Level Ninja to 50 ✓
- Level Some Job (to 70) ✓
I finally finished leveling Ninja to 50! Woot!
Yeah, I know. That’s me just not being as lazy as I was the past three months. But hey, it’s progress.
I decided to keep moving forward with leveling White Mage. And while I didn’t reach level 70, since I’ve been slack on the Alliance Roulette this month, I did level her to 66. So that’s not too bad. I’ll shoot for level 70 next month.
To add to all of this, with the introduction of crafting beast tribe quests, I will hit level 66 today on my Leatherworker. That wasn’t on my list of goals, but it’s pretty darn good progress, so I wanted to note that here.
FFXIV Cleanup Quest Goals
- Ninja – Lv 40+45 Quests ✓
- Warrior – Lv 40 Quest ✓
- Summoner – Lv 60-70 Quests
- Scholar – Lv 60-70 Quests
- Machinist – Lv 60-70 Quests
- Paladin – Lv 60-70 Quests
- Miner – Lv 70 Quest ✓
- Botanist – Lv 70 Quest ✓
- Fisher – Lv 60-something – 70 Quest
- Check all Crafters to make sure they’ve completed up to Lv 60 Quest at least
- Finished the Leatherworker quests ✓
I actually got some of these done this month! Granted, it wasn’t the hugely long job quest lines, or all of the crafting quests I left behind, but it’s progress.
I decided to pick the low-hanging fruit and get the Ninja and Warrior quests done, since I only needed to clean up a couple for each of those jobs. I also pushed through finishing all the job quests on Miner and Botanist last weekend.
Since my current focus is on Leatherworker, it also made sense to catch up on all the quests for that job while I’m leveling it. I think going forward, I’ll be doing that with each of my crafting jobs, rather than just lumping them under “complete all crafter quests.” Those quests get expensive!
I’m a little sad that I didn’t add something about Steam to my goals for May as I actually spent a good deal of time playing Steam games — mostly RimWorld and PixARK. I’ll blog about those soon!
To finish out this post, have a shot of Ramza from FFXIV that I liked but didn’t find a place to fit into the Lighthouse post.