Last week, the Make it Rain event started in FFXIV. This doubles the amount of MGP you win for things in the Gold Saucer and gives a huge bonus for doing well (and just dropping by) the Fashion Report. There are also cosmetic items on discount during the event.
While I enjoy this event, I wasn’t super excited for it this year. I’ve already gotten my Fenrir. Though, there are plenty of other things I could save up for.
I dropped in for the Fashion Report on Friday since it was paying out well, did the event quest… and suddenly I found myself rushing in on all my alts to do the quests, unlock the Fashion Report, pick up any hairstyles and cosmetics I wanted and…
Yeah, that was an unexpected use of a Friday night. And while it was all silly fluff, I found myself enjoying it greatly. In fact, the momentum from that carried over into the next day, where I found the energy to push through several of my monthly goals.
Crafting… Crafting Everywhere
You can say that the Namazu quests have me fired up for crafting…

I’m still finding these quests extremely enjoyable. The fact that it shot my Leatherworker up to 70 so painlessly is a huge perk. I was a good crafter and actually stuck by all of my Leatherworker job quests straight through the end of the level 60-70 quest line. So there, job quests done!
My plan was to pick up Armorer next, since that was always one of the jobs I knew I’d neglected, despite leveling it to 60. I just had no idea how bad it really was…

Holy crud! I hadn’t done any of my Armorer job quests since level 35!!!
That’s awful! I’ll blame it on the Moogles for being a bad influence!
Soooo… I sucked it up and got to work on slashing away at these old quest lines. Some of the lower level ones I had the mats for, and just crafted. Some of the more annoying ones I straight out bought. But, there were a few that buying wasn’t an option.
All in all, it took me several hours to finish everything. I wasn’t too engaged in the story at first, but then it became more interesting after the level 60 quest line started. The level 70 quest line has some promise, too.

I’m happy to report that I did catch up on all my Armorer quests in the end… and even netted a level and a half from them all. This put me at level 63.
I also started in on my old Fishing job quests. I’ve finished those up to level 70, and just have one final one to go to complete them all.
Shifting Goals
So, I discovered I was capped on Creation Tomes this weekend. I don’t really have a lot of need for them in the armor department, so I asked Syn what she’s been using them for. She noted that you can buy crafting materials with them, and sell those for profit… so I went to check it out.
That’s when I learned that these materials were what you needed to make the level 70 omni-crafter gear. This is something I eventually do want to try to do, so I did some research on what that requires.
While a few pieces require something from a metalworker, just about all of them require stuff from a level 70 Alchemist. Bleeeeh… mine’s only level 60.
So… despite all that work I did to catch up with Armorer, I decided to shift my Namazu leveling to Alchemist so I can work towards crafting some of this gear. I know that I at least finished the level 50 quest on Alchemist (I faintly remember the storyline), but it’s another job I know I haven’t progressed on job quests in a while. So, I’ve got my work cut out for me… again.
Other Achievements
One of the nice things about finishing so many job quests it that it showers you with Allagan silver and gold pieces. These have been fantastic at helping me max out my Doman restoration project this week, with lots left over for next week.
In fact, that’s a huge encouragement to get me to go back and do some of these quests as I’m honestly curious what’s going to happen with rebuilding the Doman Enclave. I mean, they already have a plushie store…

I did complete the first phase of restoration and moved into the second. The bonus you get for selling to them increases, which is nice, too. I wonder what they’re going to make this place into in the end, and whether they’ll keep expanding it after this patch cycle. I hope so. I’ll start saving all my stuff for selling to the Domans! 😀
Now, for an achievement that’s not mine.
Syn got her Parade Chocobo mount for earning 3,000 commendations this weekend!
Dang. As a DPS main, I’m lucky to break 300, much less 3,000.
She’s been actively working at it, throwing her healer into the worst of the alliance roulettes night after night, looking for souls to save. Sure enough, she made it to 3,000 and above.

It’s the first thing she actively ever farmed, and first time she’s wanted to get a fluff mount. What’s funny is that I encouraged her to play the Fashion Report this week, too, and she even sat down with the Glamour Commode for the first time ever, and made some glamour plates for Zeb.
Uh oh… Amoon and I are being bad influences on her! 😀
The way I see it is… if you’re not having fun in an MMO, what are you having?
Right now, I’m having fun again. I have a whole lot to work towards, and I feel like I’m making pretty good progress. I’ve also been taking time out to do fun stuff in Second Life on the side, and figuring out how to balance the two. But that’s a post for another blog.