SL15B Celebration – Happy 15th Birthday Second Life!
Yesterday marked the beginning of Second Life’s 15 Birthday Celebration. You’ll find sim after sim of amazing builds, colorful crystals, free goodies, and lots of music. The Posse and I headed out to see what we could see and take part in the hunt across the sims. Even after spending several hours exploring, I feel like I’ve hardly scratched the surface of this event.
You can find a lot of history of SL, from Bear Island (with over 170 collectible Linden Bears) to talks and displays (some with a hint of humor).

Some of the displays were incredibly original. All of them were super colorful as well.
Here, Amoon and I find bubble sitters among the crystals…

We spent a lot of time being amazed by the media-art creation of Thoth Jantzen. This was some of the most incredible work… I wish I had a landmark to share because everyone needs to see this stuff. I did a search for his name and could see that he’s been featured quite often in previous celebrations.
Certainly look for his display. It’s a don’t miss! Screenshots can’t do it justice. And it was really cool to be able to talk to the creator while we were visiting.

There were pretty incredible music venues, too…
Like a huge area with crystal chandeliers everywhere…

And this place with an absolutely HUGE animated snake coiled around it. Very cool!

If you just want some free gifts, they’ve set up gift tables in the Spectacular sim.