Hey, Listen! Blaugust is Reborn!
If you’re a reader of other blogs across our lovely blogosphere, you may have already heard the news on the wind: Next week, Blaugust is returning!
Though I haven’t written about it yet (was waiting till it was a bit closer to time… like now), this is an event I’m really pumped for… and that I hope that other bloggers will get excited about, too! I signed on to be a Mentor this year, so it’s probably time I start putting on my Mentor hat.
Prep week starts now. You’ll find a ton of great prep-posts ramping up already on the many mentor blogs that are participating — check out a spread sheet of who is who and where you can find them!
In the past, Blaugust (started by Belghast at Tales of the Aggronaut) has been focused on challenging folks to reach a certain number of posts within the month of August. This time around, he’s shaking the formula up quite a bit, and tossing in a pinch of Newbie Blogger Initiative (NBI) into the mix.
This time, there are several levels of participation to take part in:
- Newbie Blogger Award – You did it, you created a new blog and by god we are going to sing your praises for doing it!
- Bronze Award – You made at least 5 posts during the Month of August 2018.
- Silver Award – You made at least 15 posts during the Month of August 2018, go you!
- Gold Award – You made at least 25 posts during the Month of August 2018, you are a badass!
- Rainbow Diamond Award – You did it, you posted every single day during the Month of August 2018 and deserve accolades.
So even folks who ramp up a new blog or just post 5 times next month are all rockstars!
To help out through the month, we have the Mentor system and a structured set of themes to roll with:
- July 25th – July 31st – Blaugust Prep Week – posts about the technical details of getting started in blogging. Tutorials, advice, tips for naming your blog… that sort of stuff to get people ready to hit the ground on August 1st running.
- August 1st – August 7th – Topic Brainstorming Week – posts about ideas for topics that the participants can then mine for the rest of the month.
- August 8th – August 14th – Get to Know Each Other Week – hanging out and meeting other people in this new fledgling community and hopefully gaming together a bit! Also highly support doing some sort of collaboration on shared topics!
- August 15th – August 21st – Developer Appreciation Week – post about the things that you really appreciate in gaming or any other community… because chances are there is a developer or designer behind the things you love.
- August 22nd – August 28th – Staying Motivated Week – tips and tricks that you might have to stay motivated and keep creating content against the tyranny of a blank screen.
- August 29th – August 31st – The Final Stretch: Lessons Learned – as a way of getting us across the finish line, talk about some of the experienced you had during the month and maybe things you learned about yourself.
If this sounds exciting and interesting to you, by all means, please, please join us! Even if you don’t have a blog now, or need to blow the dust off an existing blog, we will welcome you with open arms!
Bel has a signup sheet to officialize your choice to participate, and a Discord where you can connect with fellow bloggers and mentors across the globe!
Hope to see you there!