Blaugust: Keep Your Finger Near the Print Screen Key
The first week of Blaugust is officially Topic Brainstorming Week. So I wanted to talk shortly about one way of generating ideas for your blog. While this seems to primarily focus on gaming blogs, this can carry over into real life, too, if you just keep your phone camera handy at all times.
Now while this isn’t true for every day and every post, I’ve found a lot of my blogging content comes from just having an awareness of what’s going on around me, and being ready to capture that for future reference.
In short, whenever I’m playing any game, part of my mind is on what experiences I might be able to share on my blog the next day. My finger is always near the screenshot key. I’m always looking for a topic starter or a story. For example, many of my FFXIV Tales from the Duty Finder stories are just the You-Had-To-Be-There moments that I captured via screenshot to bring back the next day as a post.
You might be saying, “But if you’re always thinking about blogging, how can you just enjoy the game?”
As a blogger, part of what makes me enjoy the game more is hunting down something that I think will be fun to share. The more you practice looking for the story in something, even mundane situations, the easier it gets. It’s really never a bother.
So I challenge you to think like a blogger and search for stories in everything you do during Blaugust.
Be it gaming, other hobbies, your work, or social interactions. There are so many stories hiding there, stories that only you can tell the world from your point of view… but only if you’re receptive to finding them. If you start to practice that mindset, you’ll often find the stress of “What do I write about next?” starts to fade as it becomes replaced by a more productive desire to find stories to share.
So, go out there and bring us back some stories! I’ll be reading!