FFXIV: Mateus Housing Savage – Round 2!

You see that picture up there? That’s me standing next to a housing placard for nearly 3 hours, camping a housing plot that’s on a timer.

Yes, I already went through this once, for my own private estate. This time, it was for a Free Company house.

I didn’t actually plan on getting housing this weekend, though we’d reached the proper rank. I was saving up for it (went broke buying my own house and working on decorating an alt’s apartment), which meant I ended up breaking down and selling off my stash of Jet Black Dye to fund things.

The Fight for Housing

Mateus is one of those servers where getting housing means you snag whatever lot you possibly can, often while fighting off others who are also trying to click the same placard for how many ever hours it takes before the timer drops off. This timer thing is the bane of my existence, seriously.

On Saturday night, there were only two lots open on the server. One was a pool-side in the Goblet, which a whole bunch of people were camping. The other was a less-than choice plot in the Beds. This was a cheap lot, but it was right next to a tall wall and had all kinds of nonsense stone pieces blocking the view of the stream.

I think it was because it was fairly undesirable that people would come, take a look at it and pass it up. I didn’t care, though. Obtaining your first house, no matter what lot it was, gets your foot in the door. Once you’ve done that, and have the gil, you can transfer to a more appealing location — which was something I figured we’d do on down the line.

So I spent hours standing there camping it, clicking and clicking every 5-10 mins. Amoon and Syn made fun of me as I /danced /prayed /doted and all sorts of emotes to the  placard, hoping that it would be merciful and the timer would open up. To my shock, it was a bit after midnight when I clicked… and it worked!

Just like when I bought my personal house. Suddenly, there it was. And it was ours!

Syn had already gone to bed by then, so it was Amoon and I scrambling around in excitement. We threw down a house, an aetheryte and few rough decorations, and eventually called it a night.

Unexpected Transformation

That would have been a happy end to the story in and of itself, except, that’s not where it ended! Syn wasn’t there when I bought the house, but I did leave her a text to let her know it happened.

The next morning, I’d slept in a bit and woke up to a string of texts from her that I’d missed hours before:

Mad? I was super excited! Both Amoon and I gave up our Shirogane houses when we switched servers. And finding a lot open in Shirogane on Mateus is pretty special.

One of the things I really wanted to do was turn my old Shirogane house into an Odder Otter house. I never got the chance before I left Midgardsormr, but I did bring most of the materials needed for it to happen with me.

So now, once we get all the workshop and airships and crafting in place, we’ll turn this house into an Otter house instead!

As Syn said, it’s in a fantastic spot. There’s a marketboard, warp and bell right on our front lawn. Also, all the houses around it are tastefully decorated in the Hingan style. So really, I couldn’t have asked for anything more than this.

We are going to have to spend time and a lot of work to get our airships pieced together again, but that’s okay. Amoon and I are both near maxed on all crafters and gatherers, so really, time is the only resource we’re lacking on getting this all running.

In our previous FC, other folks took the lead on making our airships and things, so I never really got super involved in the whole process. This time, I get to see it happen and get to put the work towards it. It makes it much more personal and I’m pretty excited to have a big project to work on with my tiny FC. Once we get that Otter house built, it’s going to be a thing of beauty. 🙂

It’s kinda weird how I ended up with my exact old lot as a personal house, and our FC ended up with a shared house in Shirogane. I guess it was just meant to be.
