FFXIV: Crazy Speed Leveling Weekend
Being off for a three day weekend (hope everyone who had some time off had a good one!), Syn and I were hitting FFXIV hard and heavy. Though I have a whole server full of unleveled alts, Syn doesn’t tend to roll and level alts — especially since you can be everything on one character in this game.
However, my RP exploits over the past couple of months seem to have had some sort of impact, and she decided to roll a new character for RP purposes. We’d talked about this in the past, but it was only this weekend that she dove in. And boy did she.
I had an alt that I’d re-purposed for my RP story whom I was slowly leveling Scholar/Summoner on. My goal was basically to unlock Scholar and leave it at that. However, when Syn rolled her new character and started down the path of speed-leveling, she quickly caught up with my level 24 alt.
Spurred on by this, we started working through the MSQ, and burned through it all the way to level 50, which we both reached last night. We still have the last two dungeons to complete for 2.0, and sometimes we did have the help of an unsynced level 70 to jump queue, but still going from 1 to 50 (in her case) was pretty amazing.
For me, this included finishing all job quests for both Scholar and Summoner, and getting the first tier of artifact armor, too.

I’ve gone back and forth on what I want to do this month, and I think I might not write up official goals for September. It’s going to be a hugely wonky month since I have a trip out of town, starting the day after the new FFXIV patch drops, even.
So this is going to be one of those get-done-what-you-can months. I’m still wanting to clear out some job quests on my main and continue leveling some of her jobs, but a lot of my focus remains on more creative and community/RP stuff right now. A lot of that doesn’t belong on this blog, but I’ll be writing about what I can.