FFXIV: Dragoon Level 70 & Doman Developments
I know that last month, I marked the goal of reaching Level 70 Dragoon as complete. This was because I thought that with just a few days of dedication to it, I’d have it leveled. This part was true. Only, I haven’t had the motivation to actually put that time towards it until this week. So, finally, last night, I completed that goal and am now looking at what job to move on to next.

As you can see, I’m still struggling to do anything with my Astro and two lagging tanks. Despite the help of the Squad dungeon runs, I’ve been doing too much else between all my characters to focus on this. Maybe I’ll put that up front for next month’s goals.
As for leveling my next 70, it will either be Sam or Monk. This is because I still haven’t finished Ninja job quests up to 60 yet, and I don’t want to roll into a level 60 Alliance Roulette without all of my skills. This has been another thing that’s been on my goals list to fix for months. *sigh*
I’ve been really slack with working on things for my main. I didn’t even care all that much about running for Tome gear last cycle, and now that the new dungeons have come with 4.4, I’ve found that dungeon drops are sometimes replacing the current gear I have on my Red Mage. That’s sad.
I suppose I have all the way up to the expansion to work on stuff. But by then, none of it will matter that much, anyhow. So I’m not going to fret.
Doman Enclave
One of the new features that I really enjoyed in the last patch was helping to develop the Doman Enclave. I’m a sucker for content that changes over time based on your input, and FFXIV does this in subtle ways quite well. I don’t think the game gets enough credit for most of this, in fact.
If you’ve been dedicated to helping out the Domans, patch 4.4 brings a new round of donation-seeking. This time, the Enclave has expanded to the point of needing an aetheryte system and allowing for mounts. We start by helping secure rice fields, and then move into assisting with building up a school for the kids of the Adventuring Guild. Though, I have to say, the kids are far too excited about going to school.

The whole thing is fairly cute and feel-good, and that’s okay. It’s nice to see the Domans rebuilding after everything that’s happened to them, and to be a part of the process. It was also nice that if you’ve been diligent, as of this week, the payout rate has increased to 200% and you can now turn in up to 25K worth of goods.
Honestly, they keep thanking me for my donations, but they’re the ones giving me gil. Kinda mystifies me, but I’ll take it.