October 2018 Gaming Goals
Last month was an odd bird in that I knew I’d be too busy to set up much in the way of goals. So I’m picking that back up again for this month. Happy October, by the way!
It also means that I only have 3 months left to meet my yearly gaming goals, most of which I don’t think are going to happen. There’s one particular goal – level all jobs to 50 on my main – that I do think I can accomplish if I tackle it one job each month, though. There’s just enough time to get Astro, Warrior and Dark Knight where I want them to be if I start now and hold fast to it.
Also, this is Inktober. I’m of a mind to try this art challenge again this year. We’ll see if I can complete it!
- Level Astro to 50 ✓
- Gear up Red Mage ✓-ish
- Finish Ninja Job Quests up to Level 50
- Level Monk ✓-ish
I’m still kicking around those job quests I haven’t done yet. And now, with Dragoon at 70, it’s another job I’ve maxed out but haven’t done the quests for. I really, really need to finish these before the end of the year!
I’ll probably be gearing up Red Mage normally as part of my Expert Roulette. And Astro is the job I’d like to get to 50 this month. If I can fit in leveling another job to 70, it’s between Monk and Samurai. So I just up and chose Monk.
And that’s really it. I don’t have too much in the way of crafting or gathering goals, aside from weekly turn ins for scrips (when I remember to do them). And I’ve got lots I’m doing on my alts at this point, too. So, I have more than enough to keep me busy for October.
What’s the rest of your gaming year looking like?