November Gaming Goals 2018
Gosh… November? The holidays are approaching and it’s hard to believe 2018 is slowly winding down. But I still have a few goals I want to reach before it’s all done with!
The new Pokemon game comes out sometime this month, and I have a copy of it on pre-order, so chances are, I’ll put some time into my Switch. I’d like to get a little more playtime in on some of the year-end goals I had for Switch games, but I’m not sure if that’s going to happen.
This month, I’m going to break goals into main and RP alt since I have things I want to accomplish on them both.
FFXIV Goals – Main
- Level Dark Knight to 50 ✓
- Finish Ninja Job Quests up to Level 60 ✓
- Level Monk ✓
- Gear up Gatherers (Scrips) ✓
I’m dang serious about getting these job quests done this month! Also, Monk, even if only through beast tribe leveling. I don’t think I’m going to hit 70 on it this month (though I could if I was motivated to), but any progress is better than nothing.
FFXIV Goals – RP Alt
- Level Red Mage to 70 (Finish Job Quests) ✓
- Level Culinarian to 60 (or beyond)✓
- Level Miner to 60 (or beyond)✓
- Level Alchemist to 50 (maybe?)
- Gear up Gatherers (Scrips) ✓
- Clean up all Stormblood sidequests✓
Most of the goals on Amon are pretty much within reach. His Red Mage is almost level 69, and a healthy dose of Beast Tribe quests and daily gathering turn-ins keep him moving forward on crafting and gathering.
- Pokemon Release ✓
- Play Cat Quest
I’m hesitant about putting Switch goals on here. There’s no way I’m going to reach my yearly goals for this, but with my gaming focus having been consumed by FFXIV lately, I feel like I need to branch out some this month. I’m still having a lot of fun in FFXIV, but diving too deep in any one game can lead to burn-out, so I want to avoid that while I’m still having fun.
What kind of goals do you have now that the year is slowly winding down?