2018 Gaming Goals in Review
Happy New Year’s Eve!
This is going to be a bit of a conglomeration of December Gaming Goals and 2018 overall Gaming Goals in one post. So, a lot to talk about, though they both overlap a bit.
December Breakdown
FFXIV Goals – Main
- Level Warrior to 50 ✓
- Finish Summoner Job Quests
- Level Monk to 70 ✓
- Start leveling next job to 70 ✓
- Gear up Crafters (Scrips) ✓
I did pretty good with my goals for my main in December. The only goal I didn’t meet was the Summoner Job quest — however! I did complete the Dragoon Job quests instead, which was not on the list. So that’s a trade!
I’ve completely geared up my crafters with scrips. I finished Monk leveling, and I’m sitting at level 67 on Samurai. So, doing pretty good there!
FFXIV Goals – RP Alt
- Level Armorer to 60 ✓
- Level Fisher to 60 ✓
- Level Miner to 70 ✓
- Level Alchemist to 50✓
- Get other crafters to 15 ✓
Did a good job in getting all this done this month. Actually, above and beyond as Fisher is almost 70 and Alchemist is climbing towards 60. Lots and lots of beast tribe quests!
Yearly Goal Breakdown
FFXIV – All Battle Jobs to 50 on My Main ✓
FFXIV: All Crafting Jobs to 70 ✓
Steam Challenge: Play Games I Buy
Steam Challenge: Play Over 50% of my Games ✓
Nintendo Switch Backlog – Finish Games
Here’s a little bit good, a little bit bad. I did complete my FFXIV goals of getting all battle jobs to 50 and all crafters to 70. Considering things got a bit derailed in the middle of the year with an unexpected server transfer and developing a role play character, this is pretty good!
Steam goals were overall pretty good. I did hit over 50% of my backlog played this month. And while I can’t claim to have played every single game that I bought this year, I did play a majority of them. The ones I didn’t play were games that had a series – such as Life is Strange – that I wanted to dedicate enough time to starting. But for the most part, if I bought it, I put some time into it.
I can’t say the same for my Switch backlog, however. It’s expanded rapidly and I haven’t been very good about finishing or playing games. That’s certainly going to be something to focus on for next year!
How do things look for you and any gaming goals you set this year? Have some in mind for next year?