January 2018 Archives

FFXIV: Easing into Patch 4.2
Posted on January 31
Sometimes you just need to take some time to organize and clean out the old MMO inventory.

Nintendo Switch: Cat Quest
Posted on January 29
Cute cats + fantasy RPG + Nintendo Switch = Win!

FFXIV: Preliminary Patch 4.2 Notes Highlights
Posted on January 26
Preliminary patch notes for FFXIV Patch 4.2, which is releasing next Tuesday (Jan 30), were posted today. So it’s time for me to dive into them and give my thoughts on the “important” things. Like the fact they changed “glamour commode” to “glamour dresser.” Booooooo!

Steam Challenge: What Remains of Edith Finch
Posted on January 25
I received this game as a Christmas gift, and finished back over Christmas holiday. I’d heard of this game before, and had wanted to try it out, so this gave me the excuse I needed to get that done.

Nintendo Switch: Lost Sphear (Demo)
Posted on January 24
Lost Sphear just released on Nintendo Switch yesterday. It’s an RPG by Tokyo RPG Factory, the same folks who created I am Setsuna, which I own for the Switch, but haven’t played yet.

Nintendo Switch: Dragon Quest Builders (Demo)
Posted on January 23
Like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest (Dragon Warrior) is one of those series that started for me on my NES… with the very first game. I remember as a kid, owning that little Nintendo Power extra Dragon Warrior pull-out guide.

FFXIV: Comments from the Duty Finder – Tuck It In! Or not.
Posted on January 22
Here’s a quickie post for the day – just something short and funny. Or, at least, my FC found it funny at the time.

FFXIV: Do You Want a Balloon?
Posted on January 19
The end-raid boss of the new Omega in patch 4.2 is Kefka. And he don’t give no balloons.

FFXIV: 4.2 Patch Trailer
Posted on January 19

Steam Challenge: Planet Coaster
Posted on January 18
Last year, I played Roller Coaster Tycoon for the first time ever. I loved it! And while I appreciated it for everything it was, I couldn’t help feel the itch of what-if. What if these mechanics were implemented into a more modern game engine?

2018 Gaming Goals
Posted on January 17
I know it seems a little late in the month to talk about goals. Due to my vacation cruise and a pretty heavy load at work IRL, I’ve not had a lot of time to really sit down and write out what I want to get done this year… even though I’ve been thinking about it!

Happy 4th Blogiversary!
Posted on January 16
Four years ago today, I started a blog that slowly morphed into the one you’re reading right now. Over a series of casual blog posts, mostly centering around my gaming habits, I’ve been able to achieve something I never have before now — a blog that I’ve posted to in a fairly consistent manner.

Returning from the Cozumel Cruise
Posted on January 11
Every year, around Christmas/New Year, Syn and I get together to celebrate in some form. I also take the chance to visit Vix and Xaa while I’m there, so it’s a bit of a family get together as well.