2018 Gaming Goals
I know it seems a little late in the month to talk about goals. Due to my vacation cruise and a pretty heavy load at work IRL, I’ve not had a lot of time to really sit down and write out what I want to get done this year… even though I’ve been thinking about it!
These are going to be overarching goals, which I will probably break down into smaller monthly chunks as the year rolls on.
FFXIV – All Battle Jobs to 50 on My Main ✓

- I have a bunch of alts, many with time spent leveling their jobs. I have two level 50 Ninjas on other characters, for example, but haven’t finished leveling that on my main.
- Disinterest in some jobs led me to not pick them up. Astro and Dark Knight just sounded more complex, and Samurai was over-shadowed by Red Mage…
- Group-centric nature of leveling. I still get nervous about running even leveling roulette on my tanks or healers. So that made me put off advancing them.
However, now that we have Squad dungeons, which is fast solo content, I can very well see myself making this goal.
If I do manage to get to level 50 on all jobs early on in the year, I’ll raise the bar to level 60. But that also kinda depends on what they do with Squad dungeons.
FFXIV: All Crafting Jobs to 70 ✓
Yeah… it’s been long overdue. I’ve been super lazy with crafting since Stormblood, and haven’t even done a single crafting turn-in on top of it. Was kinda hoping we’d see another crafting beast tribe… 😉
I’d love to not just level my crafters but really grasp what crafting is all about. Maybe learn some advanced “tactics.” Rotations. Or whatever FFXIV crafters do.

Steam Challenge: Play Games I Buy
Last year, I did a pretty good job (on accident) of playing all the games I bought within a relatively short time after I bought them (outside of bundle games). This year, I want to continue this trend. If I buy a game, I want to try to play it within a few days of the purchase.
This is good practice… not only to keep the backlog down, but to ensure if I pick up a game I really don’t care for, I have a chance to return it in the first 30 days.
I also want to cut back on the number of Steam games that I buy… which I did quite a bit last year.
Steam Challenge: Play Over 50% of my Games ✓
I noted in another post that the Steam Calculator is doing something different in terms of reporting unplayed games in your backlog. Now, it tells you the percentage you’ve played, so you want to get that number higher.
Here’s what I look like right now:

My initial goal for the year is to get this number above 50%. That will mark the first time since I started the Steam Challenge almost 4 years ago that I’d have played more games than not. That would be a great milestone!
If I can reach over 50%, I will nudge the goal towards 60%. It just depends on how it goes.
Nintendo Switch Backlog – Finish Games
Oh, gosh. I’ve actually started amassing a backlog on my Switch! Good night!
I have so many great games on the system, some of which I really want to push to make progress and complete. I know some of these games, like Zelda BotW and Mario Odyssey, have a sort of squishy definition of “finish.” But I’d be happy just to complete the story.
Switch Games I want to beat this year:
- Zelda BotW
- Mario Odyssey ✓
- Mario + Rabbids
- Cat Quest
There’s a boatload of other indie games I really want to play on the Switch, and so many more being announced. I got Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for Christmas, but I’m hesitant to start it while I still have BotW unfinished!